Executive Vice President for Research and International Relations
Notwithstanding the overall responsibility of the presidental team, the Executive Vice President for Research and International Relations shall be responsible for the following areas:
- Research Funding;
- Positioning of the clinical research in the research funding
- Examination of research projects according to §§ 26 and 27 Abs 1 UG;
- Research infrastructure;
- Research collaborations and partnership agreements relating to research;
- National and international affairs relating to research;
- Quality management and evaluation in the field of research;
- Promotion of young scientists in the scientific field;
- Transfer of technology and knowledge including the development of service inventions (together with the Executive Vice President for Finance and IT)
- Good Scientific Practice;
- Negotiations on pact investments (together with the Executive Vice President for Finance and IT and the Executive Vice President for Teaching and Study Matters);
- Clinical Studies.
- Strategic planning regarding curriculum development (development of PhD programs together with the Executive Vice President for Teaching and Study Matters)