



The Vorarlberg Health Monitoring & Promotion Programme (VHM&PP)

Anhand der prospektiv dokumentierten Vorarlberger Gesundenuntersuchungen (700.000 Untersuchungen bei ca. 180.000 Personen im Zeitraum 1985-2005), der CINDI Population Surveys und des Frauen + Programmes wurden bereits mehrere epidemiologische Fragestellungen untersucht: Stabilität von Risikofaktoren im Zeitverlauf (Tracking), Prädiktive Bedeutung von kardiovasculären Risikofaktoren, aktuelle Trends bei Risikofaktoren, die Bedeutung des metabolischen Syndroms für Krebserkrankungen, etc.

Die wichtigsten Publikationen (Originalien, Buchbeiträge etc.) und Vorträge ab 1995 sind untenstehend angeführt. Die Forschungsarbeiten werden als Kooperation der folgenden Institutionen durchgeführt:
Arbeitskreis für Vorsorge- und Sozialmedizin (aks), Bregenz, (Programmplanung, Datenerhebung und Datenmanagement),
Department für Medizinische Statistik, Informatik und Gesundheitsökonomie, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck,
Institut für Epidemiologie der Universität Ulm.

Grössere Forschungsvorhaben der letzten Jahre mit Beteiligung des VHM&PP:
Me-Can Project: Metabolic Syndrome and Cancer Project
ESCAPE: European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects
ERFC: Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration
NCD-RisC: Risk Factor Collaboration

Die Kohortenstudie steht derzeit unter der Leitung von Herrn Priv.-Doz. Dr. Emanuel Zitt (emanuel.zitt (at) Das wissenschaftliche Kernteam bilden Frau Prof. Dr. Gabriele Nagel (gabriele.nagel (at), Frau Kristin Ganahl MA, Herr Prim a.D.  Dr. Hans Concin, Dr., Herr MMag. Dr. Wolfgang Brozek und  Herr Prof. Mag. Dr. Hanno Ulmer.

aks-Präsident Dr. Hans Concin,
Prof. Gabriele Nagel und Prof. Hanno Ulmer


(C) by Privat

50 Jahre moderne Präventionsforschung in Vorarlberg

Prof. Ulmer im Serverraum des aks
(C) by Hardy Mueller

Die Gesundenuntersuchungen, CINDI Populations Surveys sowie die weiteren Programme werden in dankenswerter Weise sehr großzügig durch die Vorarlberger Landesregierung unterstützt.

Großer Dank gilt den Ärzten und Ärztinnen, die die Untersuchungen durchführen!

Weitere Publikationen sind bereits fertiggestellt und bei wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften eingereicht bzw. befinden sich in der Planungsphase.

  • 2024

    Nagel G, Chen J, Jaensch A, Skodda L, Rodopoulou S, Strak M, de Hoogh K, Andersen ZJ, Bellander T, Brandt J, FechT D, Forastiere F, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann B, Hvidtfeldt UA, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Leander K, Magnusson PKE, Pershagen G, Rizzuto D, Samoli E, Severi G, Stafoggia M, Tjonneland A, Vermeulen RCH, Wolf K, Zitt E, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Weinmayr G (2024/Juni). Long-term exposure to air pollution and incidence of gastric and the upper aerodigestive tract cancers in a pooled European cohort: The ELAPSE project. International Journal of Cancer: 154(11):1900-1910, [PDF]

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC), .. Concin H, Nagel G, Ulmer H, Willeit P, Zitt E, ..., Ezzati M (2024/Maerz).Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults. Lancet:403(10431):p1027-1050, [PDF]

    Brozek W, Clemens P, Ulmer H, Haering N, Concin H, Zitt E, Nagel G (2024/Maerz).Evaluation of a Population-Based Targeted Screening Approach for Skin Cancer with Long-Time Follow-Up in Austria including Potential Effects on Melanoma Mortality. Cancers:16(7):1283-1298, [PDF]

    Fritz J, Jochems SHJ, Bjorge T, Wood AM, Haeggstroem C, Ulmer H, Nagel G, Zitt E, Engeland A, Harlid S, Drake I, Stattin P, Stocks T (2024/Februar).Body mass index, triglyceride-glucose index, and prostate cancer death: a mediation analysis in eight European cohorts. British journal of cancer:130(2):p308-316 [PDF]

    Weinmayr G, Chen J, Jaensch A, Skodda L, Rodopoulou S, Strak M, de Hoogh K, Andersen ZJ, Bellander T, Brandt J, Fecht D, Forastiere F, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann B, Hvidtfeldt UA, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Leander K, Magnusson PKE, Pershagen G, Rizzuto D, Samoli E, Severi G, Stafoggia M, Tjonneland A, Vermeulen R, Wolf K, Zitt E, Brunekreef B, Thurston G, Hoek G, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Nagel G (2024/Februar). Long-term exposure to several constituents and sources of PM2.5 is associated with incidence of upper aerodigestive tract cancers but not gastric cancer: Results from the large pooled European cohort of the ELAPSE project. Science of the total Environment: 912:168789, [PDF]

    Taj T, Rodopoulou S, Strak M, de Hoogh K, Poulsen AH, Andersen ZJ, Bellander T, Brandt J, Zitt E, Fecht D, Forastiere F, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann B, Hvidtfeldt UA, Jorgensen JT, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Lager A, Leander K, Liu S, Ljungman P, Severi G, Besson C, Magnusson PKE, Nagel G, Pershagen G, Peters A, Rizzuto D, Samoli E, Sorensen M, Stafoggia M, Tjonneland A, Weinmayr G, Wolf K, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Raaschou-Nielsen O (2024/Februar). Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and risk of leukemia and lymphoma in a pooled European cohort. Environmental Pollution: 343:123097, [PDF]

    Leiherer A, Brozek W, Muendlein A, Ulmer H, Saely CH, Fraunberger P, Nagel G, Zitt E, Drexel H, Concin H (2024/Maerz).The value of earlier-in-life systolic and diastolic blood pressure for cardiovascular risk prediction. Iscience:27(3):p109097, [PDF]

  • 2023

    Hvidtfeldt UA, Chen J, Rodopoulou S, Strak M, de Hoogh K, Andersen ZJ, Bellander T, Brandt J, Forastiere F, Brynedal B, Hertel O, Hoffmann B, Katsouyanni K, Ketzl M, Leander K, Magnusson PKE, Nagel G, Pershagen G, Rizzuto D, Samoli E, So R, Stafoggia M, Tjonneland A, Weinmayr G, Wolf K, Zitt E, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Raaschou-Nielsen O (2023/Dezember). Multiple myeloma risk in relation to long-term air pollution exposure - A pooled analysis of four European cohorts. Environmental Research: 239(Pt 1):117230, [PDF]

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Global variation in diabetes diagnosis and prevalence based on fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c. Nature Medicine. 2023 Nov; [PDF]

    Hvidtfeldt UA, Chen J, Rodopoulou S, Strak M, de Hoogh K, Andersen ZJ, Bellander T, Brandt J, Fecht D, Forastiere F, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann B, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Leander K, Magnusson PKE, Nagel G, Pershagen G, Rizzuto D, Samoli E, So R, Stafoggia M, Tjønneland A, Weinmayr G, Wolf K, Zhang J, Zitt E, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Raaschou-Nielsen O (2023/September). Long-term air pollution exposure and malignant intracranial tumours of the central nervous system: a pooled analysis of six European cohorts. Br J Cancer. 2023 Sep;129(4):656-664.

    Cole-Hunter T, Zhang J, Lim YH, Samoli E, Chen J, Strak M, Wolf K, Weinmayr G, Zitt E, Hoffmann B, Jöckel KH, Mortensen LH, Ketzel M, Méndez DY, Ljungman P, Nagel G, Pershagen G, Rizzuto D, Schramm S, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Andersen ZJ (2023/März). Reply to Rumrich and colleagues (What does "Parkinson's disease mortality" mean?). Environ Int.

    Brozek W, Concin H, Ganahl K, Nagel G, Ulmer H, Zitt E (2023/April).The Vorarlberg Health Monitoring & Promotion Programme (VHM&PP). Vortrag auf der ARCD, [PDF]

    Wirsching J, Nagel G, Tsai MY, de Hoogh K, Jaensch A, Anwander B, Sokhi RS, Ulmer H, Zitt E, Concin H, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Weinmayr G (2023/April).Exposure to ambient air pollution and elevated blood levels of gamma-glutamyl transferase in a large Austrian cohort. Science of the total environment:p163658 [PDF]

    Sun M, Fritz J, Haggstroem C, Bjorge T, Nagel G, Manjer J, Engeland A, Zitt E, van Guelpen B, Stattin P, Ulmer H, Stocks T (2023/April).Metabolically (un)healthy obesity and risk of obesity-related cancers: a pooled study. Jnci-journal of the national cancer institute:115(4):p456-467 [PDF]

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents growth and development. Nature. 2023 Mar; 615(7954):874-883. [PDF]

    Cole-Hunter T, Zhang J, So R, Samoli E, Liu S, Chen J, Strak M, Wolf K, Weinmayr G, Rodopolou S, Remfry E, de Hoogh K, Belland T, Brandt J, Concin H, Zitt E, Fecht D, Forastiere F, Gulliver J, Hoffmann B, Hvidtfeldt UA, Joeckel KH, Mortensen LH, Ketzel M, Mendez DY, Leander K, Ljungman P, Faure E, Lee PC, Elbaz A, Magnusson PKE, Nagel G, Pershagen G, Peters A, Rizzuto D, Vermeulen RCH, Schramm S, Stafoggia M, Katsouyanni K, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Lim YH, Andersen ZJ. Long-term air pollution exposure and Parkinson's disease mortality in a large pooled European cohort: An ELAPSE study. Environ Int. 2023 Jan; 171:107667 [PDF]

    Hvidtfeldt UA, Chen J, Rodopoulou S, Strak M, de Hoogh K, Andersen ZJ, Bellander T, Brandt J, Fecht D, Forastiere F, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann BH, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Brynedal B, Leander K, Ljungman PLS, Magnusson PKE, Nagel G, Pershagen G, Rizzuto D, Boutron-Ruault MC, Samoli E, So R, Stafoggia M, Tjonneland A, Vermeulen R, Verschuren WMM, Weinmayr G, Wolf K, Zhang J, ZItt E, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Raaschou-Nielsen O. Breast Cancer Incidence in Relation to Long-Term Low-Level Exposure to Air Pollution in the ELAPSE Pooled Cohort. Cancer Epidem Biomar. 2023 Jan:32(1):105 [PDF]

  • 2022

    Hvidtfeldt UA, Taj T, Chen J, Rodopoulou S, Strak M, de Hoogh K, Andersen ZJ, Bellander T, Brandt J, Fecht D, Forastiere F, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann B, Jørgensen JT, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Lager A, Leander K, Ljungman P, Magnusson PKE, Nagel G, Pershagen G, Rizzuto D, Samoli E, So R, Stafoggia M, Tjønneland A, Vermeulen R, Weinmayr G, Wolf K, Zhang J, Zitt E, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Raaschou-Nielsen O. Long term exposure to air pollution and kidney parenchyma cancer - Effects of low-level air pollution: a Study in Europe (ELAPSE). Environ Res. 2022 Dec;215(Pt 2):114385 [PDF]

    Andersen ZJ, Zhang J, Jørgensen JT, Samoli E, Liu S, Chen J, Strak M, Wolf K, Weinmayr G, Rodopolou S, Remfry E, de Hoogh K, Bellander T, Brandt J, Concin H, Zitt E, Fecht D, Forastiere F, Gulliver J, Hoffmann B, Hvidtfeldt UA, Monique Verschuren WM, Jöckel KH, So R, Cole-Hunter T, Mehta AJ, Mortensen LH, Ketzel M, Lager A, Leander K, Ljungman P, Severi G, Boutron-Ruault MC, Magnusson PKE, Nagel G, Pershagen G, Peters A, Rizzuto D, van der Schouw YT, Schramm S, Stafoggia M, Katsouyanni K, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Lim YH. Long-term exposure to air pollution and mortality from dementia, psychiatric disorders, and suicide in a large pooled European cohort: ELAPSE study. Environ Int. 2022 Oct 12;170:107581 [PDF]

    Hvidtfeldt UA, Chen J, Rodopoulou S, Strak M, de Hoogh K, Andersen ZJ, Bellander T, Brandt J, Fecht D, Forastiere F, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann BH, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Brynedal B, Leander K, Ljungman PLS, Magnusson PKE, Nagel G, Pershagen G, Rizzuto D, Boutron-Ruault MC, Samoli E, So R, Stafoggia M, Tjønneland A, Vermeulen R, Verschuren WMM, Weinmayr G, Wolf K, Zhang J, Zitt E, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Raaschou-Nielsen O. Breast cancer incidence in relation to long-term low-level exposure to air pollution in the ELAPSE pooled cohort. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2022 Oct 10;EPI-22-0720.

    Chen J, Hoek G, de Hoogh K, Rodopoulou S, Andersen ZJ, Bellander T, Brandt J, Fecht D, Forastiere F, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann B, Hvidtfeldt UA, Verschuren WMM, Jöckel KH, Jørgensen JT, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Méndez DY, Leander K, Liu S, Ljungman P, Faure E, Magnusson PKE, Nagel G, Pershagen G, Peters A, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Rizzuto D, Samoli E, van der Schouw YT, Schramm S, Severi G, Stafoggia M, Strak M, Sørensen M, Tjønneland A, Weinmayr G, Wolf K, Zitt E, Brunekreef B, Thurston GD. Long-Term Exposure to Source-Specific Fine Particles and Mortality─A Pooled Analysis of 14 European Cohorts within the ELAPSE Project. Environ Sci Technol. 2022 Jul 5;56(13):9277-9290. [PDF]

    Bereziartua A, Chen J, de Hoogh K, Rodopoulou S, Andersen ZJ, Bellander T, Brandt J, Fecht D, Forastiere F, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann B, Arthur Hvidtfeldt U, Verschuren WMM, Jöckel KH, Jørgensen JT, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Hjertager Krog N, Brynedal B, Leander K, Liu S, Ljungman P, Faure E, Magnusson PKE, Nagel G, Pershagen G, Peters A, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Renzi M, Rizzuto D, Samoli E, van der Schouw YT, Schramm S, Severi G, Stafoggia M, Strak M, Sørensen M, Tjønneland A, Weinmayr G, Wolf K, Zitt E, Brunekreef B, Hoek G. Exposure to surrounding greenness and natural-cause and cause-specific mortality in the ELAPSE pooled cohort. Environ Int. [PDF]

    Fritz J, Brozek W, Concin H, Nagel G, Kerschbaum J, Lhotta K, Ulmer H, Zitt E. The Association of Excess Body Weight with Risk of ESKD Is Mediated Through Insulin Resistance, Hypertension, and Hyperuricemia. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. [PDF]

    Liu S, Lim YH, Chen J, Strak M, Wolf K, Weinmayr G, Rodopolou S, de Hoogh K, Bellander T, Brandt J, Concin H, Zitt E, Fecht D, Forastiere F, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann B, Hvidtfeldt UA, Verschuren WMM, Jöckel KH, Jørgensen JT, So R, Amini H, Cole-Hunter T, Mehta AJ, Mortensen LH, Ketzel M, Lager A, Leander K, Ljungman P, Severi G, Boutron-Ruault MC, Magnusson PKE, Nagel G, Pershagen G, Peters A, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Rizzuto D, van der Schouw YT, Schramm S, Sørensen M, Stafoggia M, Tjønneland A, Katsouyanni K, Huang W, Samoli E, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Andersen ZJ. Long-term Air Pollution Exposure and Pneumonia Related Mortality in a Large Pooled European Cohort. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.

    Brozek W, Ulmer H, Pompella A, Nagel G, Leiherer A, Preyer O, Concin H, Zitt E. Gamma-glutamyl-transferase is associated with incident hip fractures in women and men>=50 years: a large population-based cohort study in Vorarlberg (Austria). Osteologie. [PDF]

    Brozek W, Ulmer H, Pompella A, Nagel G, Leiherer A, Preyer O, Concin H, Zitt E.Response to comments on Gamma-glutamyl-transferase is associated with incident hip fractures in women and men ? 50 years: a large population-based cohort study. Osteoporosis international. [PDF]

    Brozek W, Ulmer H, Pompella A, Nagel G, Leiherer A, Preyer O, Concin H, Zitt E. Gamma-glutamyl-transferase is associated with incident hip fractures in women and men = 50 years: a large population-based cohort study. Osteoporosis international:33(6):p1295-1307. [PDF]

    Stasch, N., Ganahl, K. & Geiger, H. Soziale Ungleichheit in der Zahngesundheit von Kindern. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung (2022). [PDF]

    Chen J, Rodopoulou S, Strak M, de Hoogh K, Taj T, Poulsen AH, Andersen ZJ, Bellander T, Brandt J, Zitt E, Fecht D, Forastiere F, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann B, Hvidtfeldt UA, Verschuren WMM, Jørgensen JT, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Lager A, Leander K, Liu S, Ljungman P, Severi G, Boutron-Ruault MC, Magnusson PKE, Nagel G, Pershagen G, Peters A, Rizzuto D, van der Schouw YT, Samoli E, Sørensen M, Stafoggia M, Tjønneland A, Weinmayr G, Wolf K, Brunekreef B, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Hoek G. Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and bladder cancer incidence in a pooled European cohort: the ELAPSE project. Br J Cancer. 2022 Jun:126(10):1499-1507. [PDF]

    Stafoggia M, Oftedal B, Chen J, Rodopoulou S, Renzi M, Atkinson RW, Bauwelinck M, Klompmaker JO, Mehta A, Vienneau D, Andersen ZJ, Bellander T, Brandt J, Cesaroni G, de Hoogh K, Fecht D, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann B, Hvidtfeldt UA, Jöckel KH, Jørgensen JT, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Kristoffersen DT, Lager A, Leander K, Liu S, Ljungman PLS, Nagel G, Pershagen G, Peters A, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Rizzuto D, Schramm S, Schwarze PE, Severi G, Sigsgaard T, Strak M, van der Schouw YT, Verschuren M, Weinmayr G, Wolf K, Zitt E, Samoli E, Forastiere F, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Janssen NAH. Long-term exposure to low ambient air pollution concentrations and mortality among 28 million people: results from seven large European cohorts within the ELAPSE project. Lancet Planet Health. 2022 Jan;6(1):e9-e18. [PDF]

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants. Lancet. 2021 Sep 11;398(10304):957-980. 5;399(10324):520. [PDF]

    Dimai HP, Reichardt B, Zitt E, Concin H, Malle O, Fahrleitner-Pammer A, Svedbom A, Brozek W. Thirty years of hip fracture incidence in Austria: is the worst over? Osteoporos Int. 2022 Jan;33(1):97-104. [PDF]

  • 2021

    Wolf K, Hoffmann B, Andersen ZJ, Atkinson RW, Bauwelinck M, Bellander T, Brandt J, Brunekreef B, Cesaroni G, Chen J, de Faire U, de Hoogh K, Fecht D, Forastiere F, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hvidtfeldt UA, Janssen NAH, Jørgensen JT, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Klompmaker JO, Lager A, Liu S, MacDonald CJ, Magnusson PKE, Mehta AJ, Nagel G, Oftedal B, Pedersen NL, Pershagen G, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Renzi M, Rizzuto D, Rodopoulou S, Samoli E, van der Schouw YT, Schramm S, Schwarze P, Sigsgaard T, Sørensen M, Stafoggia M, Strak M, Tjønneland A, Verschuren WMM, Vienneau D, Weinmayr G, Hoek G, Peters A, Ljungman PLS. Long-term exposure to low-level ambient air pollution and incidence of stroke and coronary heart disease: a pooled analysis of six European cohorts within the ELAPSE project. Lancet Planet Health. 2021 Sep;5(9):e620-e632. [PDF]

    Hvidtfeldt UA, Chen J, Andersen ZJ, Atkinson R, Bauwelinck M, Bellander T, Brandt J, Brunekreef B, Cesaroni G, Concin H, Fecht D, Forastiere F, van Gils CH, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoek G, Hoffmann B, de Hoogh K, Janssen N, Jørgensen JT, Katsouyanni K, Jöckel KH, Ketzel M, Klompmaker JO, Lang A, Leander K, Liu S, Ljungman PLS, Magnusson PKE, Mehta AJ, Nagel G, Oftedal B, Pershagen G, Peter RS, Peters A, Renzi M, Rizzuto D, Rodopoulou S, Samoli E, Schwarze PE, Severi G, Sigsgaard T, Stafoggia M, Strak M, Vienneau D, Weinmayr G, Wolf K, Raaschou-Nielsen O. Long-term exposure to fine particle elemental components and lung cancer incidence in the ELAPSE pooled cohort. Environ Res. 2021 Feb;193:110568 [PDF]

    Hvidtfeldt UA, Severi G, Andersen ZJ, Atkinson R, Bauwelinck M, Bellander T, Boutron-Ruault MC, Brandt J, Brunekreef B, Cesaroni G, Chen J, Concin H, Forastiere F, van Gils CH, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoek G, Hoffmann B, de Hoogh K, Janssen N, Jöckel KH, Jørgensen JT, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Klompmaker JO, Krog NH, Lang A, Leander K, Liu S, Ljungman PLS, Magnusson PKE, Mehta AJ, Nagel G, Oftedal B, Pershagen G, Peter RS, Peters A, Renzi M, Rizzuto D, Rodopoulou S, Samoli E, Schwarze PE, Sigsgaard T, Simonsen MK, Stafoggia M, Strak M, Vienneau D, Weinmayr G, Wolf K, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Fecht D. Long-term low-level ambient air pollution exposure and risk of lung cancer - A pooled analysis of 7 European cohorts. Environ Int. 2021 Jan:146:106249. [PDF]

    Samoli E, Rodopoulou S, Hvidtfeldt UA, Wolf K, Stafoggia M, Brunekreef B, Strak M, Chen J, Andersen ZJ, Atkinson R, Bauwelinck M, Bellander T, Brandt J, Cesaroni G, Forastiere F, Fecht D, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann B, de Hoogh K, Janssen NAH, Ketzel M, Klompmaker JO, Liu S, Ljungman P, Nagel G, Oftedal B, Pershagen G, Peters A, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Renzi M, Kristoffersen DT, Severi G, Sigsgaard T, Vienneau D, Weinmayr G, Hoek G, Katsouyanni K. Modeling multi-level survival data in multi-center epidemiological cohort studies: Applications from the ELAPSE project. Environ Int. [PDF]

    Liu S, Jørgensen JT, Ljungman P, Pershagen G, Bellander T, Leander K, Magnusson PKE, Rizzuto D, Hvidtfeldt UA, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Wolf K, Hoffmann B, Brunekreef B, Strak M, Chen J, Mehta A, Atkinson RW, Bauwelinck M, Varraso R, Boutron-Ruault MC, Brandt J, Cesaroni G, Forastiere F, Fecht D, Gulliver J, Hertel O, de Hoogh K, Janssen NAH, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Klompmaker JO, Nagel G, Oftedal B, Peters A, Tjønneland A, Rodopoulou SP, Samoli E, Kristoffersen DT, Sigsgaard T, Stafoggia M, Vienneau D, Weinmayr G, Hoek G, Andersen ZJ. Long-term exposure to low-level air pollution and incidence of asthma: the ELAPSE project. Eur Respir J. 2021 Jun 4;57(6):2003099.

    Liu S, Jørgensen JT, Ljungman P, Pershagen G, Bellander T, Leander K, Magnusson PKE, Rizzuto D, Hvidtfeldt UA, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Wolf K, Hoffmann B, Brunekreef B, Strak M, Chen J, Mehta A, Atkinson RW, Bauwelinck M, Varraso R, Boutron-Ruault MC, Brandt J, Cesaroni G, Forastiere F, Fecht D, Gulliver J, Hertel O, de Hoogh K, Janssen NAH, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Klompmaker JO, Nagel G, Oftedal B, Peters A, Tjønneland A, Rodopoulou SP, Samoli E, Bekkevold T, Sigsgaard T, Stafoggia M, Vienneau D, Weinmayr G, Hoek G, Andersen ZJ. Long-term exposure to low-level air pollution and incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: The ELAPSE project. Environ Int. [PDF]

    Strak M, Weinmayr G, Rodopoulou S, Chen J, de Hoogh K, Andersen ZJ, Atkinson R, Bauwelinck M, Bekkevold T, Bellander T, Boutron-Ruault MC, Brandt J, Cesaroni G, Concin H, Fecht D, Forastiere F, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann B, Hvidtfeldt UA, Janssen NAH, Jöckel KH, Jørgensen JT, Ketzel M, Klompmaker JO, Lager A, Leander K, Liu S, Ljungman P, Magnusson PKE, Mehta AJ, Nagel G, Oftedal B, Pershagen G, Peters A, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Renzi M, Rizzuto D, van der Schouw YT, Schramm S, Severi G, Sigsgaard T, Sørensen M, Stafoggia M, Tjønneland A, Verschuren WMM, Vienneau D, Wolf K, Katsouyanni K, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Samoli E. Long term exposure to low level air pollution and mortality in eight European cohorts within the ELAPSE project: pooled analysis. BMJ. 2021 Sep 1;374:n1904. [PDF]

    Wood AM, Jonsson H, Nagel G, Häggström C, Manjer J, Ulmer H, Engeland A, Zitt E, Jochems SHJ, Ghaderi S, Stattin P, Bjørge T, Stocks T. The Inverse Association of Body Mass Index with Lung Cancer: Exploring Residual Confounding, Metabolic Aberrations and Within-Person Variability in Smoking. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2021 Aug;30(8):1489-1497. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-21-0058. [PDF]

    Brozek W, Preyer O, Concin H, Nagel G, Ulmer H, Zitt E. Response to comments on the paper "serum uric acid is associated with incident hip fractures in women and men". Maturitas. 2021 Dec;154:56-57. [PDF]

    So R, Chen J, Mehta AJ, Liu S, Strak M, Wolf K, Hvidtfeldt UA, Rodopoulou S, Stafoggia M, Klompmaker JO, Samoli E, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Atkinson R, Bauwelinck M, Bellander T, Boutron-Ruault MC, Brandt J, Brunekreef B, Cesaroni G, Concin H, Forastiere F, van Gils CH, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann B, de Hoogh K, Janssen N, Lim YH, Westendorp R, Jørgensen JT, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Lager A, Lang A, Ljungman PL, Magnusson PKE, Nagel G, Simonsen MK, Pershagen G, Peter RS, Peters A, Renzi M, Rizzuto D, Sigsgaard T, Vienneau D, Weinmayr G, Severi G, Fecht D, Tjønneland A, Leander K, Hoek G, Andersen ZJ. Long-term exposure to air pollution and liver cancer incidence in six European cohorts. Int J Cancer. 2021 Dec 1;149(11):1887-1897. [PDF]

    Leiherer A, Ulmer H, Muendlein A, Saely CH, Vonbank A, Fraunberger P, Foeger B, Brandtner EM, Brozek W, Nagel G, Zitt E, Drexel H, Concin H. Value of total cholesterol readings earlier versus later in life to predict cardiovascular risk. EBioMedicine. 2021 May;67:103371. [PDF]

    Chen J, Rodopoulou S, de Hoogh K, Strak M, Andersen ZJ, Atkinson R, Bauwelinck M, Bellander T, Brandt J, Cesaroni G, Concin H, Fecht D, Forastiere F, Gulliver J, Hertel O, Hoffmann B, Hvidtfeldt UA, Janssen NAH, Jöckel KH, Jørgensen J, Katsouyanni K, Ketzel M, Klompmaker JO, Lager A, Leander K, Liu S, Ljungman P, MacDonald CJ, Magnusson PKE, Mehta A, Nagel G, Oftedal B, Pershagen G, Peters A, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Renzi M, Rizzuto D, Samoli E, van der Schouw YT, Schramm S, Schwarze P, Sigsgaard T, Sørensen M, Stafoggia M, Tjønneland A, Vienneau D, Weinmayr G, Wolf K, Brunekreef B, Hoek G. Long-Term Exposure to Fine Particle Elemental Components and Natural and Cause-Specific Mortality-a Pooled Analysis of Eight European Cohorts within the ELAPSE Project. Environ Health Perspect. 2021 Apr;129(4):47009. [PDF]

    Fritz J, Brozek W, Concin H, Nagel G, Kerschbaum J, Lhotta K, Ulmer H, Zitt E (2021/Maerz).The Triglyceride-Glucose Index and Obesity-Related Risk of End-Stage Kidney Disease in Austrian Adults. Jama network open:4(3):pe212612. [PDF]

    Preyer O, Concin H, Nagel G, Zitt E, Ulmer H, Brozek W (2021/Maerz).Serum uric acid is associated with incident hip fractures in women and men -Results from a large Austrian population-based cohort study. Maturitas. [PDF]

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC), ..., Ulmer H, Concin H, ..., Filippi S (2021/Maerz).Heterogeneous contributions of change in population distribution of body mass index to change in obesity and underweight. Elife. [PDF]

    Nagel G, Bjorge T, Jaensch A, Peter RS, Haeggstroem C, Lang A, Engeland A, Teleka S, Jirstroem K, Lindquist D, Stattin P, Ulmer H, Concin H, Stocks T (2021/Februar).Metabolic factors and the risk of small intestine cancers: Pooled study of 800.000 individuals in the metabolic syndrome and cancer project. International journal of cancer. [PDF]

  • 2020

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Height and body-mass index trajectories of school-aged children and adolescents from 1985 to 2019 in 200 countries and territories: a pooled analysis of 2181 population-based studies with 65 million participants. Lancet: 396(10261):1511-1524. [PDF]

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC).Repositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol. Nature: 582(7810):73-77. [PDF]

    Fritz J, Ulmer H. Mediation analysis with multiple mediators: a case study. Biometrie-Seminar: Graz-Wien-Innsbruck, 02.12.2020

    Peter RS, Föger B, Concin H, Nagel G. Effect of Secular Trend, Age, and Length of Follow-up on Optimum Body Mass Index from 1985 to 2015 in a Large Austrian Cohort. J Epidemiol. [PDF]

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Repositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol. Nature: 582(7810):73-77. [PDF]

    Zitt E, Fischer A, Lhotta K, Concin H, Nagel G. Sex- and age-specific variations, temporal trends and metabolic determinants of serum uric acid concentrations in a large population-based Austrian cohort. Sci Rep:10(1):7578. [PDF]

    Dominic E, Brozek W, Peter RS, Fromm E, Ulmer H, Rapp K, Concin H, Nagel G. Metabolic factors and hip fracture risk in a large Austrian cohort study. Bone Rep.:12:100244. [PDF]

    Zitt E, Brozek W, Concin H, Nagel G, Kerschbaum J, Lhotta K, Ulmer H. The Triglyceride Glucose (TyG) Index as Insulin Resistance Marker is associated with the Risk of terminal Renal Failure and mediates almost Half of the Obesity-dependent Effect. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift: 132(Suppl2:85-86

    Leiherer A, Ulmer H, Muendlein A, Saely CH, vonbank A. Early Assessed Total Cholesterol Significantly Improves The Prediction Of Cardiovascular Risk In Later Life. Diabetes: 69(Suppl 1)

    Maehr C, Ganahl K, Posch G, Concin H, Zitt E, Ulmer H.Factors associated with childhood overweight and obesity in western Austria: A 12-year investigation in 39 641 kindergarten children. Obesity reviews:AD05-12, European and International Congress on Obesity, Online, 01.09. - 04.09.2020 . [PDF]

    Leiherer A, Ulmer H, Muendlein A, Saely CH, Vonbank A, Maechler M, Sprenger L, Fraunberger P, Foeger B, Brozek W, Nagel G, Zitt E, Drexel H, Concin H.Value of total cholesterol earlier versus later in life to predict cardiovascular death. Wiener klinische wochenschrift:132(Suppl 5):214, PS 7/7-3. [PDF]

    Dominic E, Brozek W, Peter RS, Fromm E, Ulmer H, Rapp K, Concin H, Nagel G .Metabolic factors and hip fracture risk in a large Austrian cohort study. Bone Report. [PDF]

  • 2019

    Leiherer A, Muendlein A, Saely CH, larcher B, Mader A, Fraunberger P Early Assessed Total Cholesterol Significantly Improves The Prediction Of Cardiovascular Risk In Later Life. Atherosclerosis: 287, e115. [PDF]

    Andexlinger S, Fritz J, Edlinger M, Concin H, Nagel G, Brozek W, Ruttmann E, Foeger B, Ulmer H. Validation of the SCORE O.P. for prediction of cardiovascular disease mortality in a large population of elderly individuals. European heart journal:40(suppl 1):p2024 (P3402) [PDF]

    Bjorge T, Haggstrom C, Ghaderi S, Nagel G, Manjer J, Tretli S, Ulmer H, Harlid S, Rosendahl AH, Lang A, Stattin P, Stocks T, Engeland A. BMI and weight changes and risk of obesity-related cancers: a pooled Europeancohort study. International journal of epidemiology. [PDF]

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic inadults. Nature:569(7755):p260-264. [PDF]

    Fritz J, Bjorge T, Nagel G, Manjer J, Engeland A, Haggstrom C, Concin H, Teleka S, Tretli S, Gylling B, Lang A, Stattin P, Stocks T, Ulmer H. The triglyceride-glucose index as a measure of insulin resistance and risk ofobesity-related cancers. International journal of epidemiology. [PDF]

    Haggstrom C, Jonsson H, Bjorge T, Nagel G, Manjer J, Ulmer H, Drake I, Ghaderi S, Lang A, Engeland A, Stattin P, Stocks T. Linear age-course effects on the associations between body mass index,triglycerides, and female breast and male liver cancer risk: An internalreplication study of 800,000 individuals. International journal of cancer. [PDF]

    Brozek W, Nagel G, Ulmer H, Concin H. Bone Mineral Density and Breast Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Postmenopausal Women: A Long-Term Follow-Up Study. Journal of womens health:28(5):p628-635. [PDF]

  • 2018

    Brozek W, Nagel G, Ulmer H, Concin H (2018/Dezember). Bone Mineral Density and Breast Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Postmenopausal Women: A Long-Term Follow-Up Study. Journal of womens health. [PDF]

    Burnett R, Chen H, Szyszkowicz M, Fann N, Hubbell B, Pope CA 3rd, Apte JS, Brauer M, Cohen A, Weichenthal S, Coggins J, Di Q, Brunekreef B, Frostad J, Lim SS, Kan H, Walker KD, Thurston GD, Hayes RB, Lim CC, Turner MC, Jerrett M, Krewski D, Gapstur SM, Diver WR, Ostro B, Goldberg D, Crouse DL, Martin RV, Peters P, Pinault L, Tjepkema M, van Donkelaar A, Villeneuve PJ, Miller AB, Yin P, Zhou M, Wang L, Janssen NAH, Marra M, Atkinson RW, Tsang H, Quoc Thach T, Cannon JB, Allen RT, Hart JE, Laden F, Cesaroni G, Forastiere F, Weinmayr G, Jaensch A, Nagel G, Concin H, Spadaro JV (2018/September). Global estimates of mortality associated with long-term exposure to outdoor fine particulate matter. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Sep 18;115(38):9592-9597. [PDF]

    Weinmayr G, Pedersen M, Stafoggia M, Andersen ZJ, Galassi C, Munkenast J, Jaensch A, Oftedal B, Krog NH, Aamodt G, Pyko A, Pershagen G, Korek M, De Faire U, Pedersen NL, Östenson CG, Rizzuto D, Sørensen M, Tjønneland A, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Vermeulen R, Eeftens M, Concin H, Lang A, Wang M, Tsai MY, Ricceri F, Sacerdote C, Ranzi A, Cesaroni G, Forastiere F, de Hoogh K, Beelen R, Vineis P, Kooter I, Sokhi R, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Nagel G (2018/November). Particulate matter air pollution components and incidence of cancers of the stomach and the upper aerodigestive tract in the European Study of Cohorts of Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE). Environ Int. 2018 Nov;120:163-171. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.07.030. [PDF]

    Van Hemelrijck M, Ulmer H, Nagel G, Peter RS, Fritz J, Myte R, van Guelpen B, Foger B, Concin H, Haggstrom C, Stattin P, Stocks T. Longitudinal study of body mass index, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, andhypertension in 60,000 men and women in Sweden and Austria. Plos one 2018:13(6):pe0197830. [PDF]

    Teleka S, Haggstrom C, Nagel G, Bjorge T, Manjer J, Ulmer H, Liedberg F, Ghaderi S, Lang A, Jonsson H, Jahnson S, Orho-Melander M, Tretli S, Stattin P, Stocks T . Risk of bladder cancer by disease severity in relation to metabolic factors andsmoking; a prospective pooled cohort study of 800,000 men and women. International journal of cancer. 2018 May [PDF]

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC).Contributions of mean and shape of blood pressure distribution to w orldwidetrends and variations in raised blood pressure: a pooled analysis of 1018population-based measurement studies with 88.6 million participants. International journal of epidemiology. (2018/Maerz) [PDF]

    Zitt E, Pscheidt C, Concin H, Kramar R, Peter RS, Beyersmann J, Lhotta K, Nagel G. Long-term risk for end-stage kidney disease and death in a large population-based cohort. Scientific Report 2018; 8(1):7729 [PDF]

    Nagel G, Stafoggia M, Pedersen M, Andersen ZJ, Galassi C, Munkenast J, Jaensch A, Sommar J, Forsberg B, Olsson D, Oftedal B, Krog NH, Aamodt G, Pyko A, Pershagen G, Korek M, De Faire U, Pedersen NL, Östenson CG, Fratiglioni L, Sørensen M, Tjønneland A, Peeters PH, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Vermeulen R, Eeftens M, Plusquin M, Key TJ, Concin H, Lang A, Wang M, Tsai MY, Grioni S, Marcon A, Krogh V, Ricceri F, Sacerdote C, Ranzi A, Cesaroni G, Forastiere F, Tamayo-Uria I, Amiano P, Dorronsoro M, de Hoogh K, Beelen R, Vineis P, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Weinmayr G. Air pollution and incidence of cancers of the stomach and the upper aerodigestive tract in the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE). International Journal of Cancer 2018 Apr 26. [PDF]

  • 2017

    Concin H, Nagel G. Preventing overdiagnosis in mammography screening - a public health perspective. Hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation 2017 Dec 16; 32(1).

    Preyer O, Concin N, Obermair A, Concin H, Ulmer H, Oberaigner W (2017/Oktober).The relative risk of second primary cancers in Austrias western states: aretrospective cohort study. Bmc cancer 2017 Oct:17(1):p699 [PDF]

    Wiezorek CC, Ganahl K, Dietscher C. Brief Report: Improving Organizational Health Literacy in Extracurricular Youth Work Settings. HLRP 2017; 1(4) [PDF]

    Nagel G, Föger B, Ulmer H, Concin H. Kurzbericht: Weltweite Tendenzen im Blutdruck zwischen 1975 und 2015: Eine gepoolte Analyse bevölkerungsbasierter Studien (darunter die Vorarlberger Health Montitoring and Prevention Program- [VHM & PP-] Kohorte). Journal für Hypertonie - Austrian Journal of Hypertension 2017; 21 (2): 48-49. [PDF]

    Andersen ZJ, Pedersen M, Weinmayr G, Stafoggia M, Galassi C, Jørgensen JT, Sommar JN, Forsberg B, Olsson D, Oftedal B, Aasvang GM, Schwarze P, Pyko A, Pershagen G, Korek M, De Faire U, Östenson CG, Fratiglioni L, Eriksen KT, Poulsen AH, Tjønneland A, Vaclavik Bräuner E, Peeters PH, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Jaensch A, Nagel G, Lang A, Wang M, Tsai MY, Grioni S, Marcon A, Krogh V, Ricceri F, Sacerdote C, Migliore E, Vermeulen R, Sokhi R, Keuken M, de Hoogh K, Beelen R, Vineis P, Cesaroni G, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Raaschou-Nielsen O. Long-term Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution and Incidence of Brain Tumor: the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE). Neuro Oncol. 2017 Aug 31. [PDF]

    Nagel G, Peter RS, Klotz E, Brozek W, Concin H. Bone mineral density and breast cancer risk: Results from the Vorarlberg Health Monitoring & Prevention Program and meta-analysis. Bone Rep. 2017 Sep 21;7:83-89. [PDF]

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128·9 million children, adolescents, and adults. Lancet. 2017 Oct 10. pii: S0140-6736(17). [PDF]

    Andersen ZJ, Stafoggia M, Weinmayr G, Pedersen M, Galassi C, Jørgensen JT, Oudin A, Forsberg B, Olsson D, Oftedal B, Marit Aasvang G, Aamodt G, Pyko A, Pershagen G, Korek M, De Faire U, Pedersen NL, Östenson CG, Fratiglioni L, Eriksen KT, Tjønneland A, Peeters PH, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Plusquin M, Key TJ, Jaensch A, Nagel G, Lang A, Wang M, Tsai MY, Fournier A, Boutron-Ruault MC, Baglietto L, Grioni S, Marcon A, Krogh V, Ricceri F, Sacerdote C, Migliore E, Tamayo-Uria I, Amiano P, Dorronsoro M, Vermeulen R, Sokhi R, Keuken M, de Hoogh K, Beelen R, Vineis P, Cesaroni G, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Raaschou-Nielsen O. Long-Term Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution and Incidence of Postmenopausal Breast Cancer in 15 European Cohorts within the ESCAPE Project. Environ Health Perspect. 2017 Oct 13;125(10):107005. [PDF]

    Pedersen M, Stafoggia M, Weinmayr G, Andersen ZJ, Galassi C, Sommar J, Forsberg B, Olsson D, Oftedal B, Krog NH, Aamodt G, Pyko A, Pershagen G, Korek M, De Faire U, Pedersen NL, Östenson CG, Fratiglioni L, Sørensen M, Eriksen KT, Tjønneland A, Peeters PH, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Vermeulen R, Eeftens M, Plusquin M, Key TJ, Jaensch A, Nagel G, Concin H, Wang M, Tsai MY, Grioni S, Marcon A, Krogh V, Ricceri F, Sacerdote C, Ranzi A, Cesaroni G, Forastiere F, Tamayo I, Amiano P, Dorronsoro M, Stayner LT, Kogevinas M, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Sokhi R, de Hoogh K, Beelen R, Vineis P, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Raaschou-Nielsen O. Is There an Association Between Ambient Air Pollution and Bladder Cancer Incidence? Analysis of 15 European Cohorts. Eur Urol Focus. 2016 Nov 26. pii: S2405-4569(16)30166-3.

    Schwartzbaum J, Edlinger M, Zigmont V, Stattin P, Rempala GA, Nagel G, Hammar N, Ulmer H, Föger B, Walldius G, Manjer J, Malmström H, Feychting M. Associations between prediagnostic blood glucose levels, diabetes, and glioma. Sci Rep. 2017 May 3;7(1):1436. [PDF]

    Pedersen M, Andersen ZJ, Stafoggia M, Weinmayr G, Galassi C, Sørensen M, Eriksen KT, Tjønneland A, Loft S, Jaensch A, Nagel G, Concin H, Tsai MY, Grioni S, Marcon A, Krogh V, Ricceri F, Sacerdote C, Ranzi A, Sokhi R, Vermeulen R, Hoogh K, Wang M, Beelen R, Vineis P, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Raaschou-Nielsen O. Ambient air pollution and primary liver cancer incidence in four European cohorts within the ESCAPE project. Environ Res. 2017 Apr;154:226-233. [PDF]

    Raaschou-Nielsen O, Pedersen M, Stafoggia M, Weinmayr G, Andersen ZJ, Galassi C, Sommar J, Forsberg B, Olsson D, Oftedal B, Krog NH, Aasvang GM, Pyko A, Pershagen G, Korek M, De Faire U, Pedersen NL, Östenson CG, Fratiglioni L, Sørensen M, Eriksen KT, Tjønneland A, Peeters PH, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Plusquin M, Key TJ, Jaensch A, Nagel G, Föger B, Wang M, Tsai MY, Grioni S, Marcon A, Krogh V, Ricceri F, Sacerdote C, Migliore E, Tamayo I, Amiano P, Dorronsoro M, Sokhi R, Kooter I, de Hoogh K, Beelen R, Eeftens M, Vermeulen R, Vineis P, Brunekreef B, Hoek G. Outdoor air pollution and risk for kidney parenchyma cancer in 14 European cohorts. Int J Cancer. 2017 Apr 1;140(7):1528-1537. [PDF]

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015: a pooled analysis of 1479 population-based measurement studies with 19·1 million participants. Lancet. 2017 Jan 7;389(10064):37-55. [PDF]

  • 2016

    Ulmer H, Kelleher C, Diem G, Concin H (2016/Oktober).Cardiovascular risk assesment and mortality outcome related to participation in a long-term primary prevention programm in general practice. Anthropology and Public Health (Edited by Maruska Vidovic):p81-88; ISBN: 978-961-7002-04-01; National Institute of Public Health - Ljubljana [PDF]

    Ulmer H, Wanitschek M, Brant L, Ruttmann E (2016/Oktober).The relevance of gamma-glutamyltransferase as a predictor of cardio- and cerebrovascular disease in primary prevention. Anthropology and Public Health (Edited by Maruska Vidovic):p89-96; ISBN: 978-961-7002-04-01; National Institute of Public Health - Ljubljana [PDF]

    Pedersen M, Stafoggia M, Weinmayr G, Andersen Z, Galassi C, Sommar J, Forsberg B, Olsson D, Oftedal B, Krog N, Aamodt G, Pyko A, Pershagen G, Korek M, De Faire U, Pedersen N, Östenson C, Fratiglioni L, Sorensen M, Eriksen K, Tjonneland A, Peeters P, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Vermeulen R, Eeftens M, Plusquin M, Key T, Jaensch A, Nagel G, Concin H, Wang M, Tsai M, Grioni S, Marcon A, Krogh V, Ricceri F, Sacerdote C, Ranzi A, Cesaroni G, Forastiere F, Tamayo I, Amiano P, Dorronsoro M, Stayner L, Kogevinas M, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Sokhi R, Hoogh K, Beelen r, Vineis P, Brunekreef B, Hoek G, Raaschou-Nielsen O. Is There an Association Between Ambient Air Pollution and Bladder Cancer Incidence? Analysis of 15 European Cohorts. Eur J Urol. 12.2016. [PDF]

    Peter RS, Keller F, Klenk J, Concin H, Nagel G. Body mass trajectories, diabetes mellitus, and mortality in a large cohort of Austrian adults. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Dec;95(49):e5608 [PDF]

    The Global BMI Mortality Collaboration. Body-mass index and all-cause mortality: individual-participant-data meta-analysis of 239 prospective studies in four continents. Lancet. 2016 Aug 20;388(10046):776-86. [PDF]

    Concin H, Brozek W, Benedetto KP, Hafele H, Kopf J, Barenzung T, Schnetzer R, Schenk C, Stimpfl E, Waheed-Hutter U, Ulmer H, Rapp K, Zwettler E, Nagel G. Hip fracture incidence 2003-2013 and projected cases until 2050 in Austria: apopulation-based study. International journal of public health. Int J Public Health. 2016 Aug 22. (ePub ahead) [PDF]

    Zitt E, Pscheidt C, Concin H, Kramar R, Lhotta K, Nagel G. Anthropometric and Metabolic Risk Factors for ESRD Are Disease-Specific: Results from a Large Population-Based Cohort Study in Austria. PLoS One. 2016 Aug 18;11(8):e0161376. [PDF]

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). A century of trends in adult human height. Elife. 2016 Jul 26;5. pii: e13410. [PDF]

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Trends in adult body-mass index in 200 countries from 1975 to 2014: a pooled analysis of 1698 population-based measurement studies with 19·2 million participants. Lancet. 2016 Apr 2;387(10026):1377-96. [PDF]

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Worldwide trends in diabetes since 1980: a pooled analysis of 751 population-based studies with 4.4 million participants. Lancet. 2016 Apr 9;387(10027):1513-30. [PDF]

    Preyer O, Johansen D, Holly J, Stocks T, Pompella A, Nagel G, Concin H, Ulmer H, Concin N. ?-Glutamyltransferase and Breast Cancer Risk Beyond Alcohol Consumption and Other Life Style Factors - A Pooled Cohort Analysis. PLoS One. 2016 Feb 10;11(2):e0149122. [PDF]

    Fritz J, Strohmaier S, Nagel G, Concin H, Ulmer H. Re: Mediators of the Effect of Body Mass Index on Coronary Heart Disease. Epidemiology:27(3):pe13-4. [PDF]

    Raaschou-Nielsen O, Beelen R, Wang M, Hoek G, Andersen ZJ, Hoffmann B, Stafoggia M, Samoli E, Weinmayr G, Dimakopoulou K, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Xun WW, Fischer P, Eriksen KT, Sørensen M, Tjønneland A, Ricceri F, de Hoogh K, Key T, Eeftens M, Peeters PH, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Meliefste K, Oftedal B, Schwarze PE, Nafstad P, Galassi C, Migliore E, Ranzi A, Cesaroni G, Badaloni C, Forastiere F, Penell J, De Faire U, Korek M, Pedersen N, Östenson CG, Pershagen G, Fratiglioni L, Concin H, Nagel G, Jaensch A, Ineichen A, Naccarati A, Katsoulis M, Trichpoulou A, Keuken M, Jedynska A, Kooter IM, Kukkonen J, Brunekreef B, Sokhi RS, Katsouyanni K, Vineis P. Particulate matter air pollution components and risk for lung cancer. Environ Int. 2016 Feb;87:66-73. [PDF]

  • 2015

    Fritz J, Edlinger M, Kelleher C, Strohmaier S, Nagel G, Concin H, Hochleitner M, Ruttmann E, Ulmer H. Do risk factors explain the sex/gender gap in mortality from coronary heart disease?. European heart journal:36(Supp1):p168, ESC London [PDF]

    Nagel G, Oberaigner W, Peter RS, Ulmer H, Concin H .Evaluation of a mammography screening program within the population-basedVorarlberg Health Monitoring & Prevention Program (VHM&PP). Cancer epidemiology:39(6):p812-8 [PDF]

    Fritz J, Edlinger M, Kelleher C, Strohmaier S, Nagel G, Concin H, Ruttmann E, Hochleitner M, Ulmer H. Mediation analysis of the relationship between sex,cardiovascular risk factors and mortality from coronary heart disease: Findings from the population-based VHM&PP cohort. Atherosclerosis. 2015 Nov;243(1):86-92. [PDF]

    Reichle K, Peter RS, Concin H, Nagel G. Associations of pre-diagnostic body mass index with overall and cancer-specific ortality in a large Austrian cohort. Cancer Causes Control. 2015 Nov;26(11):1643-52. [PDF]

    Pscheidt C, Nagel G, Zitt E, Kramar R, Concin H, Lhotta K. Sex- and Time-Dependent Patterns in Risk Factors of End-Stage Renal Disease: A Large Austrian Cohort with up to 20 Years of Follow-Up. PLoS One. 2015 Aug 31;10(8):e0135052.[PDF]

    NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Effects of diabetes definition on global surveillance of diabetes prevalence and diagnosis: a pooled analysis of 96 population-based studies with 331,288 participants. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2015 Aug;3(8):624-37. [PDF]

    Wirth K, Peter RS, Saely CH, Concin H, Nagel G. Long-term weight change: association with impaired glucose metabolism in young Austrian adults. PLoS One. 2015 May 29;10(5):e0127186. [PDF]

    Beelen R, Colaborators: Concin H, Nagel G, ... Brunekreef B. Natural-cause mortality and long-term exposure to particle components: an analysis of 19 European cohorts within the multi-center ESCAPE project. Environ Health Perspect. 2015 Jun;123(6):525-33. [PDF]

    Stocks T, Bjørge T, Ulmer H, Manjer J, Häggström C, Nagel G, Engeland A, Johansen D, Hallmans G, Selmer R, Concin H, Tretli S, Jonsson H, Stattin P. Metabolic risk score and cancer risk: pooled analysis of seven cohorts. Int J Epidemiol. 2015 Aug;44(4):1353-63.[PDF]

    Peter RS, Mayer B, Concin H, Nagel G. The effect of age on the shape of the BMI-mortality relation and BMI associated with minimum all-cause mortality in a large Austrian cohort. Int J Obes (Lond). 2015 Mar;39(3):530-4. [PDF]

  • 2014

    Häggström C, Stocks T, Nagel G, Manjer J, Bjørge T, Hallmans G, Engeland A, Ulmer H, Lindkvist B, Selmer R, Concin H, Tretli S, Jonsson H, Stattin P. Prostate cancer, prostate cancer death, and death from other causes, among men with metabolic aberrations. Epidemiology. 2014 Nov;25(6):823-8. [PDF]

    Peter RS, Fromm E, Klenk J, Concin H, Nagel G. Change in height, weight, and body mass index: longitudinal data from Austria. Am J Hum Biol. 2014 Sep-Oct;26(5):690-6. [PDF]

    Beelen R, Collaborators: Concin H, Nagel G, ... Hoek G. Long-term exposure to air pollution and cardiovascular mortality: an analysis of 22 European cohorts. Epidemiology. 2014 May;25(3):368-78. [PDF]

    Borena W, Edlinger M, Bjørge T, Häggström C, Lindkvist B, Nagel G, Engeland A, Stocks T, Strohmaier S, Manjer J, Selmer R, Tretli S, Concin H, Hallmans G, Jonsson H, Stattin P, Ulmer H. A prospective study on metabolic risk factors and gallbladder cancer in the metabolic syndrome and cancer (Me-Can) collaborative study. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 21;9(2):e89368. [PDF]

    Wang M, Collaborators: Concin H, Nagel G, ... Hoek G. Long-term exposure to elemental constituents of particulate matter and cardiovascular mortality in 19 European cohorts: results from the ESCAPE and TRANSPHORM projects. Environ Int. 2014 May;66:97-106. [PDF]

    Lindkvist B, Johansen D, Stocks T, Concin H, Bjørge T, Almquist M, Häggström C, Engeland A, Hallmans G, Nagel G, Jonsson H, Selmer R, Ulmer H, Tretli S, Stattin P, Manjer J. Metabolic risk factors for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma: a prospective study of 580,000 subjects within the Me-Can project. BMC Cancer. 2014 Feb 18;14:103. [PDF]

    Dimakopoulou K, Collaborators: Concin H, Nagel G, ... Katsouyanni K. Air pollution and nonmalignant respiratory mortality in 16 cohorts within the ESCAPE project. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2014 Mar 15;189(6):684-96. [PDF]

    Klenk J, Rapp K, Ulmer H, Concin H, Nagel G. Changes of body mass index in relation to mortality: results of a cohort of 42,099 adults. PLoS One. 2014 Jan 8;9(1):e84817. [PDF]

    Beelen R, Collaborators: Concin H, Nagel G, ... Hoek G. Effects of long-term exposure to air pollution on natural-cause mortality: an analysis of 22 European cohorts within the multicentre ESCAPE project. Lancet. 2014 Mar 1;383(9919):785-95. [PDF]

  • 2013

    The Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases Collaboration, Collaborators: Ulmer H, Concin H, Nagel G, ... (2013/November).Metabolic mediators of the effects of body-mass index, overweight, and obesity oncoronary h eart disease and stroke: a pooled analysis of 97 prospective cohortswith 1.8 million participants. Lancet. [PDF]

    The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, Singh GM, Collaborators: Ulmer H, Concin H, Diem G, ..., , Ezzati M (2013/Juli).The age-specific quantitative effects of metabolic risk factors on cardiovasculardiseases and diabetes: a pooled analysis. PloS one:8(7):pe65174 [Originalien] [PDF]

    Wiren S, Haggstrom C, Ulmer H, Manjer J, Bjorge T, Nagel G, Johansen D, Hallmans G, Engeland A, Concin H, Jonsson H, Selmer R, Tretli S, Stocks T, Stattin P (2013/Oktober).Pooled cohort study on height and risk of cancer and cancer death. Cancer causes & control. [PDF]

    Raaschou-Nielsen O, Andersen Z, Beelen R, et al. (2013/July). Air pollution and lung cancer incidence in 17 European cohorts: prospective analyses from the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE). The Lancet [Originalien] [PDF]

    Nagel G, Zitt E, Peter R, Pompella A, Concin H, Lhotta K (2013/August). Body mass index and metabolic factors predict glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria over 20 years in a high-risk population. BMC Nephrol:14(1):177 [PDF]

    Klein D, Nagel G, Kleiner A, Ulmer H, Rehberger B, Concin H, Rapp K (2013).Blood pressure and falls in community-dwelling people aged 60 years and older in the VHM&PP cohort. BMC Geriatr:13:p50 [PDF]

    Strohmaier S, Edlinger M, Manjer J, Stocks T, Bjorge T, Borena W, Haggstrom C, Engeland A, Nagel G, Almquist M, Selmer R, Tretli S, Concin H, Hallmans G, Jonsson H, Stattin P, Ulmer H (2013/Januar). Total Serum Cholesterol and Cancer Incidence in the Metabolic Syndrome and Cancer Project (Me-Can). PloS one: V8(1):p1-8 [PDF]

    Haggstrom C, Rapp K, Stocks T, Manjer J, Bjorge T, Ulmer H, Engeland A, Almqvist M, Concin H, Selmer R, Ljungberg B, Tretli S, Nagel G, Hallmans G, Jonsson H, Stattin P (2013). Metabolic factors associated with risk of renal cell carcinoma. PloS one: 8(2):e57475 [PDF]

    Edlinger M, Concin N, Concin H, Nagel G, Ulmer H, Goebel G (2013/Januar). Lifestyle-related biomarkers and endometrial cancer survival: Elevated gamma-glutamyltransferase as an important risk factor. Cancer epidemiology: [PDF]

  • 2012

    Lindkvist B, Almquist M, Bjorge T, Stocks T, Borena W, Johansen D, Hallmans G, Engeland A, Nagel G, Jonsson H, Selmer R, Diem G, Haggstrom C, Tretli S, Stattin P, Manjer J (2012/November). Prospective cohort study of metabolic risk factors and gastric adenocarcinoma risk in the Metabolic Syndrome and Cancer Project (Me-Can). Cancer causes & control [PDF]

    Nagel G, Bjorge T, Stocks T, Manjer J, Hallmans G, Edlinger M, Haggstrom C, Engeland A, Johansen D, Klein A, Selmer R, Ulmer H, Tretli S, Jonsson H, Concin H, Stattin P, Lukanova A (2012/September). Metabolic risk factors and skin cancer in the Metabolic Syndrome and Cancer Project (Me-Can). DGEPI 2012: Regensburg, 26.-29. September, Vortrag (V35) [Vortrag] [PDF]

    Borena W, Edlinger M, Bjorge T, Haggstrom C, Nagel G, Engeland A, Stocks T, Manjer J, Selmer R, Tretli S, Concin H, Jonsson H, Stattin P, Ulmer H (2012/September). A prospective study on metabolic risk factors and gallbladder cancer incidence in 578,700 adults in the Me-Can collaborative study. DGEPI 2012: Regensburg, 26.-29. September, Poster (P33) [Poster] [PDF]

    Concin H, Nagel G, Ulmer H (2012/September). Das Vorarlberg Health Monitoring & Promotion Program DGEPI 2012: Regensburg, 26.-29. September [Workshop] [PDF]

    The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, Collaborators: Ulmer H, Concin H, Diem G, ...,, Danesh J ( 2012/Juli). Adult height and the risk of cause-specific death and vascular morbidity in 1 million people: individual participant meta-analysis. International journal of epidemiology [PDF]

    Nagel G, Stocks T, Spath D, Hjartaker A, Lindkvist B, Hallmans G, Jonsson H, Bjorge T, Manjer J, Haggstrom C, Engeland A, Ulmer H, Selmer R, Concin H, Stattin P, Schlenk RF (2012/Mai). Metabolic factors and blood cancers among 578,000 adults in the metabolic syndrome and cancer project (Me-Can). Annals of hematology [PDF]

    Nagel G, Bjorge T, Stocks T, Manjer J, Hallmans G, Edlinger M, Haggstrom C, Engeland A, Johansen D, Kleiner A, Selmer R, Ulmer H, Tretli S, Jonsson H, Concin H, Stattin P, Lukanova A (2012/April). Metabolic risk factors and skin cancer in the Metabolic Syndrome and Cancer Project (Me-Can). The British journal of dermatology [PDF]

    Nagel G, Peter R, Ulmer H, Concin H (2012/April). Bone mineral density and breast cancer risk in the VHM&PP study. Journal of womens health / the official publication of the Society for the Advancement of Womens Health Research: 21(4):A22, Womens Health 2012, The 20th Annual Congress, March 16-18, Washington, DC [Poster] [PDF]

    Nagel G, Bjorge T, Concin H, Lukanova A, Manjer J, Hallmans G, Jonsson H, Stattin P, Stocks T, Ulmer H (2012/April). Metabolic syndrome and cervical cancer in the Metabolic Syndrome and Cancer Project (Me-Can). Journal of womens health / the official publication of the Society for the Advancement of Womens Health Research: 21(4):A39, Womens Health 2012, The 20th Annual Congress, March 16-18, Washington, DC [Poster] [PDF]

    Ulmer H, Bjorge T, Concin H, Lukanova A, Manjer J, Hallmans G, Borena W, Haggstrom C, Engeland A, Almquist M, Jonsson H, Selmer R, Stattin P, Tretli S, Kleiner A, Stocks T, Nagel G (2012/Februar). Metabolic risk factors and cervical cancer in the metabolic syndrome and cancer project (Me-Can). Gynecologic oncology [PDF]

    Stocks T, Van Hemelrijck M, Manjer J, Bjorge T, Ulmer H, Hallmans G, Lindkvist B, Selmer R, Nagel G, Tretli S, Concin H, Engeland A, Jonsson H, Stattin P (2012/Februar). Blood Pressure and Risk of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in the Metabolic Syndrome and Cancer Project. Hypertension [PDF]

    Borena W, Strohmaier S, Lukanova A, Bjorge T, Lindkvist B, Hallmans G, Edlinger M, Stocks T, Nagel G, Manjer J, Engeland A, Selmer R, Haggstrom C, Tretli S, Concin H, Jonsson H, Stattin P, Ulmer H (2012/Juli). Metabolic risk factors and primary liver cancer in a prospective study of 578,700 adults. International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer [PDF]

  • 2011

    Edlinger M, Nagel G, Hilbe W, Diem G, Concin H, Strasak A, Ulmer H (2011/April). Associations of serum uric acid and gamma-glutamyltransferase with cancer in the Vorarlberg Health Monitoring and Promotion Programme (VHM&PP) - a short review. MEMO: Vol. 4:p50-54 [Uebersichtsartikel] [PDF]

    Edlinger M, Strohmaier S, Jonsson H, Bjorge T, Manjer J, Borena W, Haeggstroem C, Engeland A, Tretli S, Concin H, Nagel G, Selmer R, Johansen D, Stocks T, Hallmans G, Stattin P, Ulmer H (2011/Dezember). Blood pressure and other metabolic syndrome factors and risk of brain tumour in the large population-based Me-Can cohort study. J Hypertension [PDF] [MedUni-Presse]

    Bjorge T, Lukanova A, Tretli S, Manjer J, Ulmer H, Stocks T, Selmer R, Nagel G, Almquist M, Concin H, Hallmans G, Jonsson H, Haggstrom C, Stattin P, Engeland A (2011/Oktober). Metabolic risk factors and ovarian cancer in the Metabolic Syndrome and Cancer project. International journal of epidemiology: 30(6):527-31 [PDF]

    Almquist M, Johansen D, Bjorge T, Ulmer H, Lindkvist B, Stocks T, Hallmans G, Engeland A, Rapp K, Jonsson H, Selmer R, Diem G, Haggstrom C, Tretli S, Stattin P, Manjer J (2011). Metabolic factors and risk of thyroid cancer in the Metabolic syndrome and Cancer project (Me-Can). Cancer causes & control: 364(9):829-41 [PDF]

    The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, Seshasai SR, Kaptoge S, Thompson A, Di Angelantonio E, Gao P, Sarwar N, Whincup PH, Mukamal KJ, Gillum RF, Holme I, Njolstad I, Fletcher A, Nilsson P, Lewington S, Collins R, Gudnason V, Thompson SG, Sattar N, Selvin E, Hu FB, ..., Collaborators: Ulmer H, Concin H, Diem G, ...,, Danesh J (2011/Maerz). Diabetes mellitus, fasting glucose, and risk of cause-specific death. The New England journal of medicine: 364(9):829-41 [PDF]

  • 2010

    Stocks T, Lukanova A, Bjorge T, Ulmer H, Manjer J, Almquist M, Concin H, Engeland A, Hallmans G, Nagel G, Tretli S, Veierod MB, Jonsson H, Stattin P (2010/Dezember). Metabolic factors and the risk of colorectal cancer in 580,000 men and women in the metabolic syndrome and cancer project (Me-Can). Cancer [PDF]

    Brant LJ, Ferrucci L, Sheng SL, Concin H, Zonderman AB, Kelleher CC, Longo DL, Ulmer H, Strasak AM (2010/Dezember). Gender differences in the accuracy of time-dependent blood pressure indices for predicting coronary heart disease: A random-effects modeling approach. Gender medicine: 7(6):616-27 [PDF]

    The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration,Thompson S, Kaptoge S, White I, Wood A, Perry P, ..., Collaborators: Ulmer H, Concin H, Diem G, ...,, Danesh J (2010/Oktober). Statistical methods for the time-to-event analysis of individual participant data from multiple epidemiological studies. International journal of epidemiology: 39(5):1345-59 [PDF]

    Borena W, Stocks T, Jonsson H, Strohmaier S, Nagel G, Bjorge T, Manjer J, Hallmans G, Selmer R, Almquist M, Haggstrom C, Engeland A, Tretli S, Concin H, Strasak A, Statin P, Ulmer H (2010/Dezember). Serum triglycerides and cancer risk in the metabolic syndrome and cancer (Me-Can) collaborative study. Cancer causes & control [PDF]

    Nagel G, Concin H, Bjorge T, Rapp K, Manjer J, Hallmans G, Diem G, Haggstrom C, Engeland A, Almquist M, Jonsson H, Selmer R, Stocks T, Tretli S, Ulmer H, Stattin P, Lukanova A (2010/Oktober). Metabolic syndrome and rare gynecological cancers in the Metabolic syndrome and Cancer project (Me-Can). Annals of oncology [PDF]

    Strohmaier S, Borena W, Strasak A, Goebel G, Edlinger M, Diem G, Concin H, Kelleher C, Ulmer H (2010). Gamma-glutamyltransferase as a predictor for alcohol- and non-alcohol-related cancer incidence. Journal of epidemiology and community health: Vol.64,Supp 1, A30 [Vortrag mit publiziertem Abstract (Journal)] [PDF]

    Johansen D, Stocks T, Jonsson H, Lindkvist B, Bjorge T, Concin H, Almquist M, Haggstrom C, Engeland A, Ulmer H, Hallmans G, Selmer R, Nagel G, Tretli S, Stattin P, Manjer J (2010/September). Metabolic Factors and the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer: A Prospective Analysis of almost 580,000 Men and Women in the Metabolic Syndrome and Cancer Project. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention: 19(9):2307-17 [PDF]

    Stocks T, Borena W, Strohmaier S, Bjorge T, Manjer J, Engeland A, Johansen D, Selmer R, Hallmans G, Rapp K, Concin H, Jonsson H, Ulmer H, Stattin P (2010/Juni). Cohort Profile: The Metabolic syndrome and Cancer project (Me-Can). International journal of epidemiology: 39(3):660-7 [Originalien] [PDF]

    Bjorge T, Lukanova A, Jonsson H, Tretli S, Ulmer H, Manjer J, Stocks T, Selmer R, Nagel G, Almquist M, Concin H, Hallmans G, Haggstrom C, Stattin P, Engeland A (2010/Juli). Metabolic syndrome and breast cancer in the me-can (metabolic syndrome and cancer) project. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology: 19(7):1737-45 [PDF]

    The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, Sarwar N, Gao P, Seshasai SR, Gobin R, Kaptoge S, Di Angelantonio E, Ingelsson E, Lawlor DA, Selvin E, Stampfer M, Stehouwer CD, Lewington S, Pennells L, Thompson A, Sattar N, White IR, Ray KK, ..., Collaborators: Ulmer H, Diem G, Concin H, ..., , Danesh J (2010/Juni). Diabetes mellitus, fasting blood glucose concentration, and risk of vascular disease: a collaborative meta-analysis of 102 prospective studies. Lancet: 375(9733):2215-22 [Originalien] [PDF]

    The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, Kaptoge S, Di Angelantonio E, Lowe G, Pepys MB, Thompson SG, Collins R, ..., Collaborators: Ulmer H, Diem G, Concin H, ..., , Danesh J. (2010/Januar). C-reactive protein concentration and risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and mortality: an individual participant meta-analysis. Lancet: 375(9709):132-40 [PDF]

    Haggstrom C, Stocks T, Rapp K, Bjorge T, Lindkvist B, Concin H, Engeland A, Manjer J, Ulmer H, Selmer R, Tretli S, Hallmans G, Jonsson H, Stattin P (2010/Juni). Metabolic syndrome and risk of bladder cancer prospective cohort study in the metabolic syndrome and cancer project (Me-Can). International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer [PDF]

    Bjorge T, Stocks T, Lukanova A, Tretli S, Selmer R, Manjer J, Rapp K, Ulmer H, Almquist M, Concin H, Hallmans G, Jonsson H, Stattin P, Engeland A (2010/April). Metabolic syndrome and endometrial carcinoma. American journal of epidemiology: 171(8):892-902 [PDF]

    Strasak AM, Goebel G, Concin H, Pfeiffer RM, Brant LJ, Nagel G, Oberaigner W, Concin N, Diem G, Ruttmann E, Gruber-Moesenbacher U, Offner F, Pompella A, Pfeiffer KP, Ulmer H (2010/April). Prospective Study of the Association of Serum {gamma}-Glutamyltransferase with Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia III and Invasive Cervical Cancer. Cancer research [PDF]

  • 2009

    Borena W, Stocks T, Strohmaier S, Strasak A, Manjer J, Johansen D, Jonsson H, Rapp K, Concin H, Hallmans G, Stattin P, Ulmer H (2009/Oktober). Long-term temporal trends in cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift: 121(19-20):623-630 [PDF]

    Stocks T, Rapp K, Bjorge T, Manjer J, Ulmer H, Selmer R, Lukanova A, Johansen D, Concin H, Tretli S, Hallmans G, Jonsson H, Stattin P (2009/Dezember). Blood glucose and risk of incident and fatal cancer in the metabolic syndrome and cancer project (me-can): analysis of six prospective cohorts. PLoS medicine / Public Library of Science: 6(12):e1000201 [PDF]

    The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, Di Angelantonio E, Sarwa N, Perry P, Kaptoge S, Ray KK, Thompson A, Wood AM, Lewington S, Sattar N, Packard CJ, Collins R, Thompson SG, ..., Collaborators: Ulmer H, Diem G, Concin H, ..., , Danesh J (2009/November). Major lipids, apolipoproteins, and risk of vascular disease. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association: 302(18):1993-2000 [PDF]

    Ulmer H, Borena W, Rapp K, Klenk J, Strasak A, Diem G, Concin H, Nagel G (2009/August). Serum triglyceride concentrations and cancer risk in a large cohort study in Austria. British journal of cancer [PDF]

    Ulmer H, Kelleher C, Duenser MW (2009/Dezember). George Clooney, the cauliflower, the cardiologist, and phi, the golden ratio. British Medical Journal: [Fallbericht] [PDF]

    Jessop L, Kelleher CC, Lonergan M, Ulmer H, Fitzpatrick P (2009).Estimates of the magnitude of improvements in cardiovascular risk factors in a diabetes mellitus sub-population enrolled in large-scale primary care intervention programmes. European heart journal: 30 (Abstract Supplement), 972 [Abstract] [PDF]

    The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, Erquo S, Kaptoge S, Perry PL, Die Angelantonio E, Thompson A, White IR, Marcovina SM, Collins R, Thompson SG, ..., Collaborators: Ulmer H, Diem G, Concin H, ..., , Danesh J (2009/Juli). Lipoprotein(a) concentration and the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and nonvascular mortality. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association: 302(4):412-23 [Originalien] [PDF]

    Ulmer H, Brant LJ, Kelleher C, Borena W, Strasak A, Concin H, Diem G, Ruttman E, Poelzl G (2009/Maerz). Gamma-Glutamyltransferase: A New Biomarker for Heart Failure Mortality? Circulation: Vol 119, No 10, e314 [Poster mit publiziertem Abstract (Journal)] [PDF]

    Strasak A, Pfeiffer RM, Brant LJ, Borena W, Concin H, Diem G, Ruttmann E, Pfeiffer K, Ulmer H (2009/Maerz). Association of Total Serum Cholesterol and Cancer Incidence in a Cohort of 172,210 Men and Women: A Prospective 19-Year Follow-up Study. Circulation: Vol 119, No 10, e332 [Poster mit publiziertem Abstract (Journal)] [PDF]

    Klenk J, Nagel G, Ulmer H, Strasak A, Concin H, Diem G, Rapp K (2009/Januar). Body mass index and mortality: results of a cohort of 184,697 adults in Austria. European journal of epidemiology [PDF]

    Strasak A, Pfeiffer RM, Brant LJ, Rapp K, Hilbe W, Oberaigner W, Lang S, Borena W, Concin H, Diem G, Ruttmann E, Glodny B, Pfeiffer KP, Ulmer H, and the VHM&PP Study Group (2009/Januar). Time-dependent association of total serum cholesterol and cancer incidence in a cohort of 172 210 men and women: a prospective 19-year follow-up study Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology / ESMO [PDF]

    Strasak AM, Lang S, Kneib T, Brant LJ, Klenk J, Hilbe W, Oberaigner W, Ruttmann E, Kaltenbach L, Concin H, Diem G, Pfeiffer KP, Ulmer H (2009/Januar). Use of penalized splines in extended Cox-type additive hazard regression to flexibly estimate the effect of time-varying serum uric acid on risk of cancer incidence: a prospective, population-based study in 78,850 men. Annals of epidemiology: 19(1):15-24 [PDF]

  • 2008

    Strasak AM, Pfeiffer RM, Klenk J, Hilbe W, Oberaigner W, Gregory M, Concin H, Diem G, Pfeiffer KP, Ruttmann E, Ulmer H (2008/Oktober). Prospective study of the association of gamma-glutamyltransferase with cancer incidence in women. International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer: 123(8):1902-6 [PDF]

    Ulmer H, Kelleher, Brant L, Concin H, Diem G, Strasak A, Lechleitner, Ruttmann E (2008). The role of gamma-glutamyltransferase as a predictor of incident diabetes in a cohort of 98,059 men and women. European Heart Journal: 29 ( Abstract Supplement ), 477 [PDF]

    Strasak AM, Kelleher CC, Klenk J, Brant LJ, Ruttmann E, Rapp K, Concin H, Diem G, Pfeiffer KP, Ulmer H (2008/Juli). Longitudinal Change in Serum Gamma-Glutamyltransferase and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality. A Prospective Population-Based Study in 76 113 Austrian Adults. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology [PDF]

    Strasak A, Rapp K, Brant L, Hilbe W, Gregory M, Oberaigner W, Ruttmann E, Concin H, Diem G, Pfeiffer KP, Ulmer H, VHM&PP Study Group (2008/Mai). Association of gamma-Glutamyltransferase and Risk of Cancer Incidence in Men: A Prospective Study. Cancer research: 68(10): 3970-3977 [PDF]

    Ulmer H, Strasak A, Rapp K, Oberaigner W, Diem G, Concin H (2008/Maerz). Risk factors of the metabolic syndrome and cancer outcomes in a large primary prevention programme. EJC Supplements: 6 No 3 (2008): p45 [Poster mit publiziertem Abstract] [PDF]

    Strasak A, Ruttmann E, Brant L, Kelleher C, Klenk J, Concin H, Diem G, Pfeiffer K, Ulmer H (2008/Februar). Serum uric Acid and risk of cardiovascular mortality: a prospective long-term study of 83 683 austrian men. Clinical chemistry: 54(2):273-84 [PDF]

    Strasak AM, Kelleher CC, Brant LJ, Rapp K, Ruttmann E, Concin H, Diem G, Pfeiffer KP, Ulmer H (2008/Januar). Serum uric acid is an independent predictor for all major forms of cardiovascular death in 28,613 elderly women: A prospective 21-year follow-up study. International journal of cardiology: [PDF]

  • 2007

    The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, Danesh J, Erqou S, Thomson SG, Tipping R, Ford C, ..., Collaborators: Ulmer H, Diem G, Concin H, ..., , Wood AM (2007/September). The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration: analysis of individual data on lipid, inflammatory and other markers in over 1.1 million participants in 104 prospective studies of cardiovascular diseases. European journal of epidemiology: 22(12):839-69 [PDF]

    Rapp K, Klenk J, Ulmer H, Concin H, Diem G, Oberaigner W, Schroeder J (2007/Dezember). Weight change and cancer risk in a cohort of more than 65 000 adults in Austria. Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology / ESMO [PDF]

    Hefler LA, Tomovski C, Waibel V, Brugger C, Heim K, Reinthaller A, Tempfer C, Concin H (2007/November). Umbilical arterial pH levels after delivery and adult intelligence: a hospital-based study. Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica;86(11):1404-6. [Kurzbericht] [PDF]

    Klenk J, Rapp K, Ulmer H, Concin H, Diem G, Peter R (2007/September). Assoziation zwischen Berufsklassen, BMI und Herzkreislaufmortalität bei über 95.000 Frauen und Männern in Vorarlberg. GMDS 2007 (Augsburg); S168:#573 [Vortrag mit Publikation in den Proceedings] [PDF]

    Rapp K, Klenk J, Concin H, Diem G, Oberaigner W, Ulmer H (2007/September). Weight change and incidence of cancer: results of large cohort study with more than 65.000 adults in Austria. GMDS 2007 (Augsburg); S402:#295 [Vortrag mit Publikation in den Proceedings] [PDF]

    Strasak AM, Rapp K, Hilbe W, Oberaigner W, Ruttmann E, Concin H, Diem G, Pfeiffer KP, Ulmer H (2007/November). Serum uric acid and risk of cancer mortality in a large prospective male cohort. Cancer causes & control : CCC: 18(9):1021-1029 [PDF]

    Strasak A, Rapp K, Hilbe W, Oberaigner W, Ruttmann E, Concin H, Diem G, Pfeiffer K, Ulmer H (2007/September). The role of serum uric acid as an antioxidant protecting against cancer: prospective study in more than 28 000 older Austrian women. Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology / ESMO [PDF]

    Ulmer H, Kelleher C, Fitz-Simon N, Diem G, Concin H (2007/Juni). Secular trends in cardiovascular risk factors: an age-period cohort analysis of 6 98 954 health examinations in 1 81 350 Austrian men and women. Journal of internal medicine: Vol(261/6): 566-576 [PDF]

    Ulmer H, Brant L, Kelleher C, Concin H, Diem G, Klen J, Rapp K, Weiland S, Ruttmann E (2007/Februar). Gamma-glutamyltransferase Predicts Mortality from Both Ischemic and Hemorraghic Stroke in a Cohort of 170,244 Men and Women. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation: Vol 38; No 2:529 [Poster mit publiziertem Abstract (Journal)] [PDF]

  • 2006

    Ulmer H, Brant LJ, Concin H, Diem G, Rapp K, Weiland SK, Ruttmann E (2006). Longitudinal Repeated Measurements of Gamma-glutamyltransferase and the Risk for Fatal Cardio- and Cerebrovascular Disease. European heart journal: 27 (Abstract Suppl), 303 [Vortrag mit publiziertem Abstract (Journal)] [PDF]

    Klenk J, Rapp K, Ulmer H, Concin H, Diem G, Weiland S (2006). BMI-Veränderung und Mortalität bei über 75.000 Männern und Frauen in Vorarlberg. Tagungsband der 1. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epidemiologie.: W Hoffmann, T Schäfer (Hrsg.), Verlag Dr. Hut, München (2006), S. 24 (ISBN 3-89963-395-4) [Vortrag mit Publikation in den Proceedings]

    Rapp K, Schroeder J, Klenk J, Ulmer H, Concin H, Diem G, Oberaigner W, Weiland SK (2006/März). Fasting blood glucose and cancer risk in a cohort of more than 140,000 adults in Austria. Diabetologia. [Originalie] [PDF]

    Giral P, Ratziu V, Chapman J, Ruttmann E, Brant L, Concin H, Diem G, Rapp K, Ulmer H (2006/Februar). Letter Regarding Article by Ruttmann et al, "Gamma-Glutamyltransferase as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease Mortality: An Epidemiological Investigation in a Cohort of 163 944 Austrian Adults" Circulation: 113: e299 - e300. [PDF]

  • 2005

    Ruttmann E, Brant LJ, Concin H, Diem G, Rapp K, Weiland SK, Ulmer H (2005). Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase and the Risk for Fatal Cardio- and Cerebrovascular Events in a Cohort of 163,944 Austrian Men and Women. Circulation: 112 (17) Oct 25, Suppl II: 802. [Vortrag mit publiziertem Abstract (Journal)]

    Ulmer H, Kollerits B, Kelleher C, Diem G, Concin H (2005/Oktober). Predictive accuracy of the SCORE risk function for cardiovascular disease in clinical practice: a prospective evaluation of 44 649 Austrian men and women. European journal of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation : official journal of the European Society of Cardiology: 12(5):433-441 [PDF]

    Ulmer H, Kelleher C, Kollerits B, Diem G, Concin H (2005). Contribution of sociodemographic factors to cardiovascular risk prediction in 100,776 participants in the Vorarlberg Health Monitoring & Promotion Programme (VHM&PP). Prevention and Control (World Heart Federation): 1(1): 88. [Vortrag mit publiziertem Abstract (Journal)] [PDF]

    Ulmer H, Kelleher C, Pfaffenberger N, Diem G, Concin H (2005/September). Age period cohort analysis of trends in cardiovascular risk factors in Vorarlberg Health Monitoring and promotion programme 1985 - 2002. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health: Vol 59, Suppl 1:A16 [Vortrag mit publiziertem Abstract (Journal)] [PDF]

    Ruttmann E, Brant LJ, Concin H, Diem G, Rapp K, Ulmer H (2005/September). Gamma-Glutamyltransferase as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease Mortality. An Epidemiological Investigation in a Cohort of 163 944 Austrian Adults. Circulation: 46(10):1677-83 [PDF] [Video]

    Rapp K, Schroeder J, Klenk J, Stoehr S, Ulmer H, Concin H, Diem G, Oberaigner W, Weiland SK (2005/Oktober). Obesity and incidence of cancer: a large cohort study of over 145 000 adults in Austria. British journal of cancer: 93(9):1062-1067 [PDF] [Audio]

  • 2004

    Ulmer H, Kelleher C, Diem G, Concin H, Ruttmann E. (2004). Estimation of seasonal variations in risk factor profiles and mortality from coronary heart disease Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift: 116 (19-20), 662-668 [PDF]

    Ulmer H, Kelleher C, Diem G, Concin H (2004). Why eve is not adam: prospective follow-up in 149650 women and men of cholesterol and other risk factors related to cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. Journal of Women`s Health (2002): 13(1):41-53. [PDF]

    Ulmer H, Kelleher C, Diem G, Concin H (2004). Long-term mortality outcome related to CVD risk assessment and follow-up among 124,715 participants in the Vorarlberg Health Monitoring and Promotion Programme (VHM&PP). European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation: 11(6): 529. [Poster mit publiziertem Abstract (Journal)] [PDF]

    Ulmer H, Kollerits B, Kelleher C, Diem G, Concin (2004). Predictive accuracy of the SCORE risk function for cardiovascular disease in Austrian men and women In: Kooperative Versorgung, Vernetzte Forschung, Ubiguitäre Information: GMDS Innsbruck 2004. Ammenwerth E, Gaus W, Haux R, Lovis C, Pfeiffer KP, Tilg B, Wichmann HE (Hrsg.) Verlag videel, Niebüll: 377-378. [Vortrag mit Publikation in den Proceedings]

    Ulmer H (2004). Longitudinal follow up on risk factors of cardiovascular disease in adult men and women. Conference Proceedings Women, Disadvantage and Cardiovascular Disease: Policy Implications: The Women`s Health Council, Dublin [Vortrag mit Pubklikation in den Proceedings] [PDF]

  • 2003

    Ulmer H, Kelleher C, Diem G, Concin H (2003). Long-term tracking of cardiovascular risk factors among men and women in a large population-based health system: the Vorarlberg Health Monitoring & Promotion Programme. European Heart Journal: 24(11):1004-13. [PDF]

    Ulmer H (2003). Tracking of cardivascular risk factors and its implications for clinical trials. Controlled Clinical Trials: 24:193S. [Poster mit publiziertem Abstract (Journal)]

    Ulmer H (2003). Tracking of Cardiovascular Risk Factors. Seminar 2003 der Region Österreich-Schweiz der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft: St. Gallen [Vortrag ohne Publikation]

  • 2002

    Concin H, Ulmer H, Hefler L. (2002). Mental well-being in 5000 women participating in the Women-Plus preventive medicine program. Maturitas: 41 Suppl 1:S9-12. [PDF]

    Ulmer H, Brant L (2002). Longitudinal methods for analysing data from observational studies of cross-cultural differences. International Biometric Conference,: Freiburg [Vortrag ohne Publikation]

  • 2001

    Diem G (Hrsg.) Gesundheitsbericht Vorarlberg, Band 1, Population Survey 1999 (1986, 1991): Arbeitskreis für Vorsorge- und Sozialmedizin: Bregenz.

    Ulmer H, Diem G, Bischof HP, Ruttmann E, Concin H. (2001). Recent trends and sociodemographic distribution of cardiovascular risk factors: results from two population surveys in the Austrian WHO CINDI demonstration area. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift: 113(15-16):573-9 [PDF]

    Ulmer H (2001). Design und Analyse von Gesundheits-Surveys, am Beispiel der Innsbrucker Frauengesundheitsstudie und der Vorarlberger WHO CINDI Population Survey Biometrische Sektion Steiermark-Kärnten: Graz [Vortrag ohne Publikation]

  • 2000

    Ulmer H, Bischof HP, Diem G, Huber K, Mostegl D, Concin H (2000). Gesundheitsberichterstattung in Vorarlberg im Rahmen des CINDI-Programmes der WHO: Die Population Surveys 1986, 1991 und 1999. Dür W, Pelikan J (Hrsg.): Gesundheit beobachten. Dokumentation und Berichterstattung als Aufgabe der Gesundheitsförderung.: Facultas Universitätsverlag: Wien. S184-188. [Buchbeitrag]

    Ulmer H, Ruttmann E, Diem G, Bischof HP, Huber K, Mostegl D, Concin H (2000). Risk Factor Changes 1991 to 1999 Results from a CINDI Region in Western Austria. International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease: Lyon [Poster ohne Publikation]

  • 1998

    Ulmer H, Bischof HP, Bachmann J, Huber K, Concin H, Diem G, Zitt K, Strauss R, Schmeiser-Rieder A (1998). 12-years of public screening for cardivascular risk factors in Vorarlberg/Austria. European Heart Journal: 19(Suppl.):572. [Vortrag mit publiziertem Abstract (Journal)]

    Ulmer H, Bischof HP, Diem G, Huber K, Concin H (1998). Das WHO CINDI Programm: Ergebnisse der in Vorarlberg durchgeführten Population Surveys 1986 und 1991, Ausblick auf die Studie 1998. 5. ExpertInnentagung Gesundheitsförderungsforschung in Österreich: Wien [Poster ohne Publikation]

    Ulmer H, Bischof H P, Bachmann J, Huber K, Concin H, Diem G, Zitt K, Rieder A (1998). Screening for cardivascular risk factors in Vorarlberg/Austria. Analysis of changes between 1985 and 1996. 3. Fakultätsvorlesung Universitätskliniken: Wien [Poster ohne Publikation]

  • 1997

    Ulmer H, Bachmann J, Huber K, Concin H, Bischof HP. (1997). Verlaufsbeobachtungen bei Gesundenuntersuchungen in Vorarlberg 1986 bis 1994[Follow-up studies of routine health screening in Vorarlberg 1986-1994] Wiener klinische Wochenschrift: 109(5):160-4. [PDF]

  • 1996

    Ulmer H, Bischof HP, Bachmann J, Huber K, Concin H (1996). Screening of Public Health. A Comparison of Random and Self-Selected Sample Surveys. Int. Biometric Conference: Amsterdam [Poster ohne Publikation]

  • 1995

    Ulmer H, Bischof HP, Bachmann J, Huber K, Concin H. (1995). Die Erfassung des Gesundheitszustandes einer Bevölkerung. Dokumentation von freiwilligen Gesundenuntersuchungen im Vergleich zu einer Zufallsstichprobe. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Statistik: 24;2:61-70. [PDF]

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Institut für Klinische Epidemiologie, Public Health, Gesundheitsökonomie, Medizinische Statistik und Informatik