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Bioprinting Team at MUI develops unique "tumor-on-chip" model for drug testing and precision medicine applications Biofabrication,  MyPoint MUI, Tiroler Tageszeitung, Salzburger Nachrichten, STOL.IT, zm online,,,,,, APA Science, Kleine Zeitung,  Innovationorigins

Michael Ausserlechner receives Research Grant from Dr. Johannes und Herta Tuba Fundation MyPoint MUI  

Judith Hagenbuchner develops novel 3D bioprinted tissue model for research on genetic fatty acid oxidation disorders as member of the Austrian Science Fund Research Group FG15 MyPoint MUI

Blog-Interview mit Michael Ausserlechner "Der Mensch aus dem 3D Drucker?"

Interview of Judith Hagenbuchner with eco.nova      eco.nova (Seite 74ff)

Judith Hagenbuchner receives the Otto Seibert Science Award 2020   MyPoint MUI

The Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Education, Science and Research funds innovative 3D bioprinted Tumor-on-chip model by Judith Hagenbuchner MyPoint MUI

Judith Hagenbuchner receives Prototype Project Grant from MUI

Interview of Michael Ausserlechner with about skin printing at the 3D Bioprinting Lab, Medical University Innsbruck

Lange Nacht der Forschung 2020 - 3D bioprinting of tissue equivalents  LNDF

A report on 3D bioprinting of tissue equivalents at Medical University Innsbruck    PULS4

Full thickness skin equivalents 3D bioprinted in fluidic chips to replace animal experiments   ORF-Tirol   Der Standard   Tiroler Tageszeitung   Science APA   Salzburger Nachrichten   Die Presse   Die Kleine Zeitung    Kurier    MedInLive    Microsoft News (MSN)   The World News (

FFG funds BRIDGE 1 "3D bioprinted SkinOnChip"project by Michael J. Ausserlechner, a cooperation with Arthro Kinetics Biotechnology GmbH  MyPoint MUI 

UNInteressant? Ideen die unser Leben verbessern: "Biogewebe aus dem 3D Drucker"

We support the initiative of young medical doctors at MUI to 3D print face shields for greek refugee camps (Picture / Facebook)

A MUI article about our recently in eLife published paper that describes the first small compounds that physically interact with the DNA-binding domain of the transcription factor FOXO3 MyPoint MUI

Judith Hagenbuchner is elected for "MUI Scientist to watch"  MyPoint MUI

Students of the Bundesrealgymnasium Innsbruck visit the 3D Bioprinting Lab at MUI  (Gymnasium am Adolf Pichler Platz
Students from Chemie-HTL Kramsach visit the 3D Bioprinting Lab at MUI (Chemie-HTL Kramsach)
Judith Hagenbuchner is elected by the Council for Research and Technology of Upper Austria as awardee of the first "RFT OÖ Award - Young Scientist" Country of Upper Austria   Council for Reseach and Technology of Upper Austria   Oberösterreichische Nachrichten   Landesrat Markus Achleitner 
Judith Hagenbuchner receives grant from Tyrolean Science Fund   MyPoint MUI
Michael J. Ausserlechner: Best Pitch Talk at "Life Science 4 Tomorrow" meeting MyPoint MUI
Interview with Michael J. Ausserlechner: "3D Druck mit lebenden Zellen" Der Standort
"Die Suche nach Alternativen zum Tierversuch" Der Standard
Portrait Michael J. Ausserlechner: Scientists at MUI MyPoint MUI
International Austrian Science Fund Project for Michael J. Ausserlechner and Judith Hagenbuchner MyPoint MUI
Judith Hagenbuchner ist the first graduate of an University of Applied Sciences (FH) of Upper Austria who receives the Venia Docendi from an Austrian Medical University Der Standard