


ÖH-Fee/Tuition Fee

Regular degree students with citizenship from the EU/EEA/CH and their equals who are admitted to a bachelor's, diploma, master's or doctoral program pay only the ÖH-fee at the beginning of the new program. For the continuation of studies, students who are within the designated duration of studies (plus tolerance semesters) must also pay only the ÖH-fee by the deadline each semester.

ÖH-fee for the summer semester 2024: €22,70
ÖH-fee for the winter semester 2024/25: €24,70

Who must pay the tuition fee?

The tuition fee must be paid if

  • the non-contributory period (intended duration of studies of a bachelor’s, a master’s or a doctoral program or of a study section of a diploma program plus two tolerance semesters) of the relevant study program has been exceeded,
  • there is an obligation to pay contributions on the basis of nationality or
  • a non-degree study program (e.g. nostrification) is pursued.

The tuition fee per semester is €363.36 (A, EU/EEA, CH) or €726.72 for third-country nationals. In addition to the tuition fee, the ÖH-fee must also be paid.

Regular degree students equal to citizens of the EU/EEA/CH are:

  • Students with permanent residence permit (proof required)
  • Students from third countries who have a corresponding connection to Austria according to the Regulation on Eligible Groups of Persons (“Personengruppenverordnung”)

Regular degree students from third countries:

  • Regular students from third countries, who are not covered by the Regulation on Eligible Groups of Persons (“Personengruppenverordnung”) and to whom no international treaty applies and who have a residence permit according to §64 NAG, have to pay a tuition fee in the amount of €726.72 (plus ÖH-fee) starting from the 1st semester.

More study programs

If multiple studies are pursued at multiple universities and/or teacher training colleges, each university shall calculate the non-contributory period independently of the other. Accordingly, it can happen, that students are exempt from paying tuition fees at one university, but at another university they have already used up their non-contributory period and receive a pre-invoice.

If students are admitted to more than one university and are liable to pay fees, they must submit a possible application for waiver or refund to each university according to the regulations in force at that university!

ATTENTION: Students who are registered at more than one university and/or college must continue to submit their registration of the continuation of studies (proof of current academic record by e-mail) to the university at which the required fee has not been paid within the admission period.

How is the tuition fee to be paid?

The prescribed fees must be paid within the admission period each semester, with reference to the personal reference number.

The tuition fee and the reference number change every semester. You can find the current data in your personal i-med.inside account.

In any case, use the following information when making your payment:

Recipient: Innsbruck Medical University
Bank sort code: 60000
IBAN: AT12 6000 0000 9606 1266
Account number: 00096061266
Fee: You can find your prescribed fee in your account.
Reference: Use your personal reference number, which you can find on your tuition fee notification. ATTENTION: This number changes each semester.
Sender: Name and address

Waiver or refund of the tuition fee

For a waiver or refund of the tuition fee, certain deadlines must be met in addition to proof of legal grounds.



Abteilung Studierendenservices
Fritz-Pregl-Straße 3, 4. Stock
A-6020 Innsbruck

Sie finden uns hier 



Mag.a Martina Heidegger

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70040


Denise Gredler, BA

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70041


Mika Reyman

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70045

Melike Asik

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70046

N. N

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70044


Aufnahmeverfahren für Molekulare Medizin

Mika Reyman

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70045


Carina Leitner

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70042

Maria Bosnjakovic

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70043         

MUI Shop 

Jelena Adzic

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70059

Melike Asik

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70046            

Akademische Feier

Carina Leitner

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70042

Maria Bosnjakovic

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70043

Veranstaltungen für Studieninteressierte

Denise Gredler, BA

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70041


Mika Reyman

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70045

Melike Asik

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70046

N. N

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70044

Derzeit in Karenz

Alina Holzmann


Abteilung Studierendenservices
Fritz-Pregl-Straße 3, 4. Stock
A-6020 Innsbruck

Sie finden uns hier 



Mag.a Martina Heidegger

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70040


Denise Gredler, BA

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70041


Mika Reyman

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70045

Melike Asik

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70046

N. N

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70044


Aufnahmeverfahren für Molekulare Medizin

Mika Reyman

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70045


Carina Leitner

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70042

Maria Bosnjakovic

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70043         

MUI Shop 

Jelena Adzic

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70059

Melike Asik

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70046            

Akademische Feier

Carina Leitner

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70042

Maria Bosnjakovic

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70043

Veranstaltungen für Studieninteressierte

Denise Gredler, BA

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70041


Mika Reyman

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70045

Melike Asik

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70046

N. N

Tel.: +43 (0) 512/9003-70044

Derzeit in Karenz

Alina Holzmann