


Women's Empowerment & Mentoring Unit

DThe remit of the Women's Empowerment & Mentoring Unit includes the following objectives:

  • Improving career opportunities for women in medicine and increasing the proportion of female managers at the Medical University of Innsbruck
  • Promoting the academic career of committed female doctors and (junior) female scientists
  • Building relationship systems and access to networks for women
  • Creating structural conditions that encourage women to make their knowledge, potential and skills more visible and usable.


Helene Wastl Medicine Mentoring Programm
Advice, support and (self-)empowerment from experienced female mentors, career programme for female mentees for professional and personal development as well as sustainable networking for female doctors in specialist training, female post-doctoral students, female participants in postgraduate programmes (PhDs) and female post-doctoral students.

Career advancement, personal development & networking
Offering a comprehensive, interdisciplinary seminar and further education programme for targeted career advancement, networking and personal development under gender and diversity aspects for all interested female doctors and female (junior) scientists at the Medical University of Innsbruck.