


Gender- and diversity-sensitive language

Those who are not named are invisible and therefore outside the focus of attention!

Gender equality means making women, men and diverse people equally visible in written texts. This is mandatory in scientific papers, research proposals and reports. Information and suggestions can be found in the following guidelines:

Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research:
Gender-equitable language, guidelines in the sphere of activity of the BMBWF

Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour
Guidelines for the non-discriminatory use of language


United Nations
Guidelines for gender-inclusive language in English

US National Library of Medicine

Problematic terms in medical research: “race”, “ethnicity”

The terms “race” and “ethnicity” represent social categories, but are also frequently used in biomedical research. An imprecise and misleading use can lead to false causal conclusions and to pathologisation and thus discrimination of social categories. Under the following link you will find the recommendation of the Medical University of Innsbruck for a non-discriminatory, sensitive use of language in research and teaching.