





Sustainable Access to Atmospheric Research Facilities, 2021-2025, Project H2020-INFRAIA-2020-1 ATMO-ACCESS
The Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure , 2020-2023, Project H2020-INFRADEF-2019-2

completed EU-Projects

National Projects


Deep 3-photon brain imaging with widefield scatter compensation, 2023 - 2027, Austrian Science Fund, Project P 36687


Hochauflösende Mikroskopie von Protein Konformation, 2022-2026, Austrian Science Fund, Project P 36022-B


Synergetische Aerosol Fernerkundung mit Pandora in ACTRIS, 2022-2026, Austrian Science Fund, Project I 6016-N


IGDT Infrared imaging through tissue by wavefront shaping, 2021-2026, Austrian Science Fund, Project DOC 110-B


Tomography across the scales, 2018-2026, Austrian Science Fund, Project SFB F68


3D diffractive elements through fs-laser direct writing, 2020-2023, Austrian Science Fund, Project I 3984-N36  
Austrian solar UV radiation measurement and research project, 2019-2029, Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie  

 Deep brain vision: 3D adaptive 2-photon microscopy, 2019-2023, Austrian Science Fund, Project P 32146-N36   

completed national projects

EU-Projects completed

ERC Advanced Investigator Grant (P 247024)
Coherently Advanced Tissue and Cell Holographic Imaging and Trapping


Chemical imaging byCoherent Raman microscopy, 2011-2015, MPNS COST Action MP1102
MC-Member: Monika Ritsch-Marte


Chemical imaging by means of CARS-microscopy, 2006-2011, COST open Action MP0603
Vice Chair: Monika Ritsch-Marte


Stratospheric-Climate Links with Emphasis on the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere, 2004-2009


Influence of clouds on the spectral actinic flux in the lower troposphere, 2002-2010, RTD-Project (EVK2-CT-2001-130), Partners from Germany, Austria, Greece, UK, Italy, Norway


Quality assurance of spectral ultraviolet measurements in Europe through the development of a transportable unit, 2001-2005, RTD-project (EVR1-CT-2001-40011), Partners from Greece, Austria, European Commission, Germany, UK


European Database for Ultraviolet Radiation Climatology and Evaluation, 2000-2005, RTD-Project (EVK2-CT-1999-28), Partners from Germany, Austria, Finland, France, Greece, UK, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden


Actinic Flux Determination from Measurements of Irradiance, 2000-2002, RTD-Project (EVK2-CT-1999-18) Partners from UK, Austria, Germany, Greece, Norway, Italy


Characteristics of the UV Radiation Field in the Alps, 1998-2000, RTD-Project (ENV4-CT97-0575), Coordinator: Blumthaler, Innsbruck, Partners from Austria, Germany, France, Switzerland
Thematic Network for Ultraviolet Measurements, 1998-2000,Thematic Network (SMT4-CT97-7510)
Partners from Finland, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Greece, UK, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden

National Projects completed

Inverse Problems in Imaging of Trapped Particles, 2018-2022, Austrian Science Fund, Project F 6806-N36
Subproject of Tomography Across the Scales

Kombinierte diffraktive optische Elemente mit kontinuierlich einstellbaren Eigenschaften (KombiDOE), 2018-2021, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), No. 864729.  

 Direkte Messung von Licht-Drehmomenten, 2017-2021, Austrian Science Fund, Project P29936-N36

 3D-Nanoskopie der Immunologischen Synapse, 2017-2021, Austrian Science Fund, Project P 30214-N36   

Varifokale DOE-Optiken, 2011-2012,  AWS Prize 2010,  No. Z100379  
Advanced Wide-field CARS Microscopy, 2010-2015, Austrian Science Fund, Project P22085 (more on Wide-field CARS-microscopy)
Christian Doppler Laboratory for Microscopic an Spectroscopic Material Characterisation (MS-MACH), 2009-2016,Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft, Coordinator Assoc.Prof. D. Stifter, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz  
UV-Monitoring in Austria, 2009-2019, Lebensministerium 

Holographic spatial Fourier-filtering in optical microscopy, 2007-2011, Austrian Science Fund, Project P19582 (more on the imaging project)

Untersuchung des aktinischen Flusses in gebirgigem Gelände, 2006-2010, Austrian Science Fund, Project P18780  

Daten-Analyse bei Schlaf-Apnoe Syndrom, 2006-2010, Tiroler Wissenschaftsfonds (TWF), with Prof. B. Högl and Dr. M. Furtner (University Clinic of Neurology)  

Holographic laser tweezers for flexible manipulation of biological samples in microscopy, 2005-2008, Austrian Science Fund, Project P18051-N02 (more on the optical tweezers)
Functional Imaging of Cells by CARS Microscopy, 2004-2006, Austrian Science Fund, Project P-15741 (more on CARS-microscopy)
Schlafphasen-Rekonstruktion durch Herzrhythmus-Korrelation, 2002-2004, Österreichische Nationalbank (Jubliläumsfonds), Pr.Nr. 9302  
Tailoring Ultrasonic Waves with Optoacoustic Holography, 2001-2003, Austrian Science Fund, Project P-14813-PHY  
Farbstoff-freies optisches Imaging von Strukturen in lebenden Zellen mittels CARS, 2001, Austrian Ministry of Science (Infrastrukturanpassungsprojekt des Bundesministeriums)  
Exploring Mechanical Factors in the Control of Pulmonary Surfactant, 2000-2003, Austrian Science Fund, Project P-14263-MED, joint project with P. Dietl (more on optical tweezers and pulmonary surfactant)
UV-Messnetz Österreich, 1998-2008, Umweltministerium (Gz. 67 4768 / 51 - Pr.7/98), Teletextseite 664