Company kindergarten at the Medical University of Innsbruck
The company kindergarten has been run by the “Kinderfreunde Tirol” association on behalf of the Medical University of Innsbruck since 2011. A total of 30 places are available for children of employees as well as, depending on availability, also for children of students at the Medical University of Innsbruck - divided into 2 groups with a maximum of 15 children - supervised by three trained kindergarten teachers, three educational assistants and an additional language support assistant on a daily basis.
- At least one parent must be employed by the company
- The child must have reached the age of three by the time they start school
There is no legal entitlement to a place in the company kindergarten
The following documents are required for enrolment in the MUI company kindergarten:
- PDF – enrolment from Kindergarten MUI
- A copy of the child's birth certificate
- A copy of the child's registration form
Coordination takes place via the Childcare and Reconciliation Unit.
Please send all enrolment documents to the following email
Detailed information regarding enrolment, allocation, billing / fees, opening hours, etc. can be found in the Parent Information (Elterninformation)Parent Information.
Julia Hewitt B.A.
T: +43(0)512-9003-71857
Carmen Scirè-Riedl BEd
T: +43(0)512-9003-71854
Referat für Kinderbetreuung und Vereinbarkeit
Koordinationsstelle Gleichstellung, Frauenförderung und Diversität
Medizinische Universität Innsbruck
Fritz-Pregl-Straße 3,5. Stock
6020 Innsbruck
Elisabeth Heinz
Leitung Kindergarten MUI
Kindergarten MUI
Müllerstrasse 55, 6020 Innsbruck
Telefon: +43(0)512-586795
Mobil: +43 676 897 166 206