



Univ.-Prof. Mag.Dr. Markus Reindl
Professor for Experimental Neurology

Markus Reindl studied Biology at the University of Innsbruck and has been head of the Research Laboratory at the Department of Neurology at the Medical University of Innsbruck since 1997. As Professor of Experimental Neurology, his research focuses on neurological autoimmune diseases. His research group has established cell-based immunoassays for the detection of human autoantibodies directed against different central nervous system antigens, mainly MOG, AQP4 and NMDAR, which have been used for numerous clinical, immunological and epidemiological studies (>200) and his laboratory is considered one of the leading laboratories in the field. Additional research interests are on the role of infections on autoimmune responses in the central nervous system, neuroinflammation, neuronal injury and neurorehabilitation.
His achievements were honored with the invitation for plenary talks at international conferences and review articles for several journals including Nature Reviews in Neurology or Lancet Neurology. In January 2019 he was appointed as University Professor for Experimental Neurology at Medical University of Innsbruck. In 2020 and 2024 he was awarded a Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Neuroscience and Behavior by Clarivate Web of Science.


Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Markus Reindl
Dr. Barbara Seebacher MSc
Sarah Brandl MSc BSc
Mag. Kathrin Schanda BMA
Nadja Baumgartner BSc


Research projects

  • 2023-2027 Markus Reindl: MUI PhD Research Training Group MUIDK-2022-1-2 "CONNECT", Subprojekt SUB4
  • 2022-2025 Markus Reindl: Euregio Science Funds / FWF Projekt IPN 170 "The molecular biology of Neurocovid"
  • 2020-2023 Markus Reindl: FFG Comet Zentrum Vascage, Subprojekt Theraneu
  • 2019-2023 Markus Reindl: FWF Stand Alone Project P 32699 „Epitope Specificity of MOG Antibodies