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Gedenken zu Allerseelen 2023

Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2024 um 16.00 Uhr mit Msgr. Mag. Jakob Bürgler von der Universitätspfarre St. Clemens

Aus Anlass des Allerseelenfestes wird Universitätspfarrer Msgr. Mag. Jakob Bürgler von der Universitätspfarre St. Clemens im Hörsaal des Institut für Anatomie, Histologie und Embryologie einen Gedenk-Gottesdienst zelebrieren.

Das Institut für Anatomie, Histologie und Embryologie der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck möchte auf diese Weise sowohl den Verstorbenen, welche mit ihren Körpern der medizinischen Lehre und Wissenschaft dienen, wie auch den Angehörigen, die ein Überlassen ermöglicht haben, ein wenig Dank abstatten.

Wir möchten Sie recht herzlich einladen, diesen Gottesdienst mit uns am Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2024 um 16:00 Uhr zu feiern, welcher im Hörsaal Anatomie unseres Instituts, Müllerstraße 59, 6020 Innsbruck, stattfindet.


Please note:
We concentrate on Regional Anaesthesia for the advanced and include MSK-Applications within PAIN!

To get an idea about the nature of this Workshop > see program:

For registration please click here

In 2007, we pioneered in organizing the 1st International Cadaver Workshop “Ultrasound Application in REGIONAL ANAESTHESIA (RA)” using preserved but still flexible corpses as a teaching and training model. Participants were Anesthetists from over 20 different countries. It was held in the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology at Innsbruck Medical University in cooperation with anaesthetists of the University Hospitals of Heidelberg and Bochum. Ever since, the Workshop was received with much interest and attention. Due to the overwhelming success of our teaching model, it was with the 4th International Workshop in 2010, that we were able to include PAIN MEDICINE Applications. Therefore, the 15th International Cadaver Workshop, INNSBRUCK 2023 will be open to colleagues with different but advanced levels of training and interest, respectively. We are going to teach small groups in the following categories: Application of US in RA ADVANCED, and Application of US in PAIN MEDICINE (including MSK!).

This WORKSHOP is UNIQUE because:

  • All needling techniques and procedures are performed on specially EMBALMED, FLEXIBLE cadavers
  • Participants can TARGET AT REAL STRUCTURES in a three dimensional training model repeatedly and optimize success (proper spread of LA)
  • All excellent FACULTY are also EXPERIENCED teachers, especially in SCANNING that kind of preserved CADAVERS
  • IDEAL STUDENT (max 42) – TEACHER (min 12) RATIO with PLENTY OF TIME for training with 2-max 3 people on one US System
  • STUDENTS of our Department (one per table/cadaver) will additionally ASSIST in many ways, e.g. positioning of cadavers, demonstrating special specimens and cross sections.
  • Absolute MINIMUM of THEORETICAL LECTURES (just instructions and information directly correlated to the teaching model)
  • STEP BY STEP approach following a given Programm
  • CONTINOUS SUPERVISION by Prof. MORIGGL, having the world’s greatest  experience in scanning cadavers for RA and Pain as well as MSK applications
  • UNFORGETTABLE EVENING on Friday, May 5 (no additional charge!)
  • Last but not least: You come to INNSBRUCK, the “capital of the alps”

Cancellation policy:

- prior to February 28, 2023 – full refund less ev. bank charges
- after February 28, 2023 – cancellation charge 50%
- after April 1, 2023 – no refund

In case of unexpected or unpredictable events we have the right to cancel the workshop. In this case the participation fee will be refunded.

For Hotel reservation please use this form:


or contact directly:
Innsbruck Convention Bureau
Burggraben 3, 6020  Innsbruck
Tel. *43 (0)512 53 56 730

Workshop venue:
Medical University Innsbruck
Institute of Clinical and Functional Anatomy
Müllerstrasse 59
6020  Innsbruck


We are looking forward to welcoming You in beautiful Innsbruck in May 2023

Univ.-Prof. Bernhard Moriggl, MD, FIACA
Workshop Manager
Co-Founder of the Special Interest Group (SIG) Ultrasound in Pain Medicine (USPM) within ASRA
Past Chair of Scientific Committee of the WAPMU
Inaugural CIPS-Examiner (WIP)


Mit 1. Apri 2022 hat Herr Univ.Prof. Marko Konschake die Leitung übernommen und freut sich, zusammen mit seinem Team in translationaler Forschung und Lehre zu arbeiten und sein Wissen an die junge Generation weitergeben zu dürfen.


"Defining a therapeutic range for regeneration of ischemic myocardium via shock waves" hat bei der Jahrestagung der ÖGHTG den Wolfgang Denk Preis erhalten.

Foto aus der Habilitation von Marko Konschake

Thema der Habilitation: Translational Anatomy - From bench to bedside. New ways and strategies including Intraoperative Neurostimulation concerning surgical interventions.
Herzliche Gratulation!


Thema der Habilitation: Notwendigkeit der Untersuchung menschlicher Organe in der frühen Fetogenese.
Herzliche Gratulation!

Zerifikat zur Verleihung des Prof of the 1st Term

Seit Beginn der Evaluation durch die Studierendenvertretung wurde Fr. o.Univ.Prof. Dr. Helga Fritsch durchgehend (bis auf ihre Zeit als Rektorin) der Titel Professor of the 1st Term verliehen.


Präsentation der Siegerarbeit: Nebenschilddrüsen Mapping

Referat: Florian Burger, Gewinner des Österreichischen Schilddrüsenpreis 2020
Florian Burger, Helga Fritsch, Marit Zwierzina, Rupert Prommegger und Marko Konschake:
Sci Rep 9, 15700 (2019) Postoperative Hypoparathyroidism in Thyroid Surgery: Anatomic-Surgical Mapping of the Parathyroids and Implications for Thyroid Surgery.
mehr Information unter:üsenpreis-2020

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