




Abstract Guidelines

Deadline for abstract submission is the October 25th, 2014

Poster size should be in A0 upright format.


Abstract Layout Rules 

Title: Arial 14 bold, 1.5 line spacing, justified, capitalize first letters

eg. Comparative Analysis of the 3 PDE 5 Inhibitors Sildenafil, Tadalafil and Vardenafil - Personal Experience and Review of the Literature

Authors and affiliations: Arial 10, 1.5 line spacing, justified

Type the author's initial first and then the family name, assign the institution by numbers. Keep in mind that the presenting author has to be the first author!

e.g. N. Huber1, R. Schneider2, S. Müller3 

1Univ. Clinic, Dept. of Urology, Vienna, Austria,

2Hanusch Hospital, Vienna, Austria,

3Univ. Clinic Hamburg, Germany.

Please leave a blank line between authors and abstract body


Abstract body: 2000 characters (incl. blanks) maximum; Arial 12, 1.5 line spacing, justified.

FILE FORMAT: Please send your abstracts as Word document!

FILE NAME: secondname_firstname.doc


Submit the Abstract to Please also indicate the doctoral program you are enrolled!


Poster presentation: time for talking - 5 minutes!