Development and investigation of animal models for atherosclerosis (Mice, rabbits)
- Breeding and investigation of ApoE Knockout Rabbits (in collaboration with Edward Weinstein, St. Louis, USA)
- Development of transgenic rabbits models (in collaboration with Zsuzsanna Bosze, University Gödöllö, Hungary)
- SR-BI overexpressing rabbits employing an Sleeping Beauty transfer system
- CETP Knockout Rabbits employing a Zinc finger nuclease approach (TALEN)
- Inhibition of SR-BI in animal atherosclerosis models to study the role of SR-BI for development of atherosclerosis (sh RNA based method)
In vitro Studies on HDL function
- FACS based method to study monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells
- Natural extracts and HDL function
- In-vitro studies in primary human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAEC)
- Studies on gene expression (Affymetrix Chip array, Next Generation Sequencing, QPCR)
Clinical studies
- HDL function in in CAD patients referred to angiography (Innsbruck KHK-Study, LURIC Study)
- HDL-mediated cholesterol capacity
- Cholesteryl ester transfer activity
- HDL function on human primary endothelia cells (Influence on Monocyte adhesion, NO synthesis, ROS production)
- HDL function on lipid oxidaton
- Dietary studies: influence of plant sterols on efflux capacity and cholesterol transfer (in collaboration with Jogchum Plat, Maastricht University, The Netherlands)