Housing information
Please note that Innsbruck Medical University does not provide any housing services.
If you would like to stay in a student residence, please contact the residence’s office directly and apply for a room. We recommend that you apply as early as possible, because in many cases application deadlines expire several months before the beginning of a new term (e.g., to find a room in October you must meet a deadline in April). The monthly costs for housing for a single room range between 200 and 250 Euros.
Here are some addresses of student residences in Innsbruck:
- Internationales Studentenhaus, Rechengasse 7, A-6020 Innsbruck
- Österreichische Studentenförderungsstiftung, Höttinger Au 34, A-6020 Innsbruck
- Studentenheime der WIST (Wirtschaftshilfe für Studenten), Fürstenweg 174, A-6020 Innsbruck
- Studentenheim des Tiroler Jugendherbergwerkes, Reichenauerstr. 147, A- 6020 Innsbruck
- Studentenheim IBIS der Akademikerhilfe, Schützenstr. 43, 6020 Innsbruck.
Please address your application to: Akademiehilfe Wien, Pfeilgasse 3, A-1080 Vienna.
A complete list of student residences can be found on the homepage of the Austrian Student Union (Österreichischen Hochschüler-Innenschaft, ÖH): www.oeh.ac.at.