



CV - Dr. Heribert Stoiber

Name: Heribert Stoiber, PhD, ao. Univ.-Prof.
Date of birth: September 23rd, 1962
Institute of Virology
Innsbruck Medical University
Peter-Mayr-Straße 4b
6020 Innsbruck, Austria


1983-1986 undergraduate course in Chemistry, Regensburg, Germany1978-85 Medical School Hamburg, Germany
1986-1991 undergraduate (Master´s) course, Innsbruck, Austria
1991 Diploma in Chemistry (equivalent to Master´s) at the University Innsbruck1987 Dr. med.
1991-1994 work on PhD thesis at the Institute of Hygiene (supervisor Prof. Dierich) and the Institute of Biochemistry (supervisor Doz. Auer)
1994 PhD in Biochemistry awarded by the University Innsbruck, Austria
1994-1996 postdoctoral researcher at the Dept. of Hygiene, Innsbruck; areas of interest: HIV and complement
1996-1997 Schrödinger fellow at the Dept. of Medical Microbiology at the University of Liverpool in the group of Prof. T. Schulz
from 1997 postdoctoral researcher and head of the HIV research group at the Dept. of Hygiene, Innsbruck
2001 “Habilitation” in Virology at the University Innsbruck


  • Austrian AIDS Society (ÖAIG)
  • Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology (ÖGAI)
  • Austrian Society for Hygiene
  • German Society for Virology


89 publications in peer-reviewed journals, 6 book chapters, 2 patents

Research Interests

Virology, Vaccine development, Immunology, Regulation of the immune responses

Future research activities

The following main focus will be studied:Alternative approaches to develop vaccines

  • Development of a complement-based anti-retroviral therapy
  • Impact of complement on DCs infections
  • Impact of complement on the regulation of antigen presentation and CTL responses

Current funding

  • 6th framework of the EU (LSHP-CT-2005-018685; DEC-VAC): “Development of a Dendritic Cell-targeted Vaccine against AIDS” 174.00.-€
  • FWF Grant 17914: “Development of complement-based antiretroviral therapy in a mouse model” 340.000.-€
  • FFG Grant, Bridge-Project 815463: „Selbst-Transfizierende Antisense-Wirkstoffe als Therapie gegen HIV“ 200.000.-€
  • Prize Project: „Antiviraler Wirk- und Impfstoff“ 125.000.-€
  • Tiroler Zukunftsstiftung, TWF-2008-1-562: „Development of antiretroviral therapy based on C4b-binding protein” 44.000.-€