



Logos Hygiene DE


Ulrike Binder

Ronald GSTIR

Tel.: +43 (0)512 9003-70750

Biographical sketch and research interests

Molecular biology

Experience with PCR, RT-qPCR, multiplex PCR, working with RNA, next-generation sequencing (WES and RNA-Seq), RNA-in-situ hybridization, Southern, Northern and Western blot analyses, cell cycle analysis, bioluminescence, and much more.


Experience with FACS, ELISA and Luminex multiplex analysis

Cull culture

Experience working with cell lines, primary human cells, human organoid cultures and 3D epidermis models


Experience with fluorescence microscopy (convocal and epifluorescence microscopy) and in-vivo cell imaging systems


Blood sampling (venous and capillary), throat swabs for SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR analysis

Clinical Studies

Postgraduate Training Course "Conducting Clinical Trials" ("Investigator Course") at the Medical University of Innsbruck


Current Position

Senior Scientist (Lab-management and coordination of research studies)



2007-2012 Doctoral studies, EMBL & Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
Supervisor: Dr. Anne Ephrussi, EMBL Heidelberg
2004-2007 Master in Molecular Biology, Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck
Supervisor: Prof. Lukas A. Huber, Medical University Innsbruck
2002-2004 Bachelor in Natural Sciences, Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck
1999-2002 Biomedical Analyst, Training Center West for Health Professions of the Tyrolean State Hospitals, Innsbruck


Career History

From 2021

Laboratory management microbiological-technical at the Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology, Innsbruck
Responsibilities: Reporting and microbiological-technical laboratory management


Head of Laboratory at the Austrian Drug Screening Institute (ADSI), Innsbruck
Responsibilities: Assay development in the areas of immunomodulation and DNA protection; Establishment of the tumor organoid technolgoy within the framework of the Interreg projects "PreCanMed" and "P-Care"; Establishment of a SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR analysis system


Research Assistant at ADSI
Responsibilities: Automation of bioactivity screening


Research Associate (Postdoc) at the Division of Genomics and RNomics at the Biozentrum Innsbruck
Responsibilities: Development of a ncRNA microchip platform; Project manager in the start-up phase of ncRNAPain


PhD studies at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Heidelberg, Germany, research group of Dr. Anne Ephrussi
Responsibilities: Genetic and molecular biological characterization of RNA-null mutant; fluorescence microscopy; Cell culture; Fly Genetics

2002-2007 Laboratory technician in the working group of Prof. Dr. Lukas A. Huber at the Division of Cell Biology at the Medical University of Innsbruck
Responsibilities: Rearing and genotyping of transgenic mouse strains; Serological monitoring of mouse models