Completed Projects
Application accuracy of navigation at its limits
Owner: PLATTNER Christian, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Data fusion for intraoperative navigation. Funded by the Austrian Science Foundation, FWF, Project P20604-B13.
Status: Completed
Owner: ÖZBEK Yusuf, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Presentation of pertinent surgical information in a correct spatial content. The NDI Optotrak Certus tracker is combined with a Leica stereo operating microscope and high fidelity augmented reality superpositions are injected in both eyepieces. The system serves as a test bed for alternate approaches of intraoperative information guidance for surgeons. Funded by the Jubilee Fund of the Austrian National Bank, project 13003, funded 2008 - 2012, ongoing.
Status: Completed
Atracsys Interface for IGSTK
Owner: BARDOSI Zoltan, GÜLER Özgür, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Driver for IGSTK and accuracy evaluation. Funded by the Jubilee Fund of the Austrian National Bank, project 13003, and the Austrian Science Foundation, FWF, project P 20604-B13.
Status: Completed
Documentation: Documentation
Axios Cambar B2 application accuracy
Owner: BARDOSI Zoltan, ERTUGRUL Murat, ÖZBEK Yusuf, KRAL Florian, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Complete characterization of the cambar B2 tracker, comparison with other devices and generation of comprehensive data for error propagation in computer-assisted navigation. Partly funded by the Jubilee Fund of the Austrian National Bank, Project 13003.
Status: Completed
axios Cambar B2 for IGSTK
Owner: ERTUGRUL Murat, BARDOSI Zoltan, GÜLER Özgür, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Driver for IGSTK and accuracy evaluation. Funded by the Jubilee Fund of the Austrian National Bank, project 13003, and the Austrian Science Foundation, FWF, project P 20604-B13.
Status: Completed
Documentation: Documentation
Owner: YESIL Abdullatif, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: The trachea as a 3D-mesh. Segmentation and visualization.
Status: Completed
Documentation: Documentation
Camera Calibration
Owner: PERWÖG Martina, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Optimal camera calibration for augmented reality with low and high lens distortions. Funded by the Austrian Sciene Foundation, project P 20604-B13.
Status: Completed
Owner: BARDOSI Zoltan, PLATTNER Christian, ÖZBEK Yusuf, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Directly pointing to target anatomy in the petrous bone with a robotic laser pointer. Sub-millimetric application accuracy is provided by our Rhinospider technology. Funded by the FFG under Project 846056 (2014-2017).
Status: Completed
Computer-tomography of the Inner Ear.
Owner: SCHWARM Frank, GÜLER Özgür, KRAL Florian, PÜHRINGER Andreas, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Visualizations of soft-tissue cellular inner ear structures on base of SRµCT data sets. Partly funded by the Jubilee Fund of the Austrian National Bank, project 9138, and the European Union for SRµCT beam time at Hasylab@DESY and the SLS, Villigen, Switzerland.
Status: Completed
Owner: ÖZBEK Yusuf, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Surface models of CT data. Marching cubes implementation.
Status: Completed
DICOM Interface
Owner: REKA Abduljcerim, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: A DICOM PACS-interface for open4Dnav, the IGSTK-based 3D-navigation system. Partly funded by the Austrian Science Foundation, FWF.
Status: Completed
Owner: DIAKOV Georgi, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Navigation with encapsulated patient tracking, registration and quality assurance. Ultrasound A.-mode patient skull tracking without initialization. Funded by the Austrian National Bank, projexct 9318 and the Medical University Innsbruck. MFI grant of G.D., 2010.
Status: Completed
Documentation: report for the public, c. f. p. 61
Modeling implants for large skull defects.
Owner: MARREIROS Filipe, RECHEIS Wolfgang, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Patient-specific implants for large skull (neurocranium) defects. Geometric Morphometrics and Radial Basis Functions in particular the Thin Plate Spline are used for the semi-automatic generation of the implants.
Status: Completed
Owner: BARDOSI Zoltan, KRAL Florian, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Navigating with non-contact position sensing. Combining surgical imaging devices and image processing. Funded by the Jubilee Fund of the Austrian National Bank, Project 13003.
Status: Completed
open4Dnav application accuracy - NDI Polaris tracker
Owner: SCHWARM Frank, GÜLER Özgür, PERWÖG Martina, KRAL Florian, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Detailed assessment of application accuracy, target registration error of open4Dnav with optical tracking. Funded by the Austrian Science Foundation, FWF, project P 20604-B13.
Status: Completed
open4Dnav application accuracy: atracsys digitizer
Owner: SCHRÖTER Ferdinand, BARDOSI Zoltan, GÜLER Özgür, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Laboratory application accuracy as close as possble to the operating room. Three patients are investigated: a plastic skull, an anatomic specimen, and a volunteer. Funded by the Jubilee Funds of the Austrian National Bank, Project 13003, and the Austrian Science Foundation, FWF, Project P 20604-B13.
Status: Completed
Optical Robot Control
Owner: HOFMANN Thomas, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Controlling the iSYS position in the surgical site
Status: Completed
Quality assurance for surface registration
Owner: DIAKOV Georgi, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: New approaches for Quality Assurance of Surface Registration. Funded by the Jubilee Fund of the Austrian National Bank, Project 14751 granted to Georgi Diakov (2012 - 2015).
Status: Completed
Registration of Point Clouds
Owner: ATZWANGER Verena, GÜLER Özgür, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Fast registration of three-dimensional objects for navigation. Funded by the Austrian Science Foundation, FWF, project P 20604-B13.
Status: Completed
Owner: ÖZBEK Yusuf, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Measurement of respiratory movements of patients with magnetic and optical technology.
Status: Completed
Statistical Aspects of Clinical Navigation (SACN).
Owner: PERWÖG Martina, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Prediction, modelling and visualization of the target registration error. Funded by the Austrian Science Foundation, FWF, Project P 20604-B13, funded 2008 - 2012, ongoing.
Status: Completed
Owner: FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Stereo views as sources of positional data.
Status: Completed
Owner: BERGER Manuel, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Outcome simulation of paranasal sinus surgery
Status: Completed
Syntbone µCT
Owner: IVANOVIC Nikola, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Micro-computed tomography analysis of medical synthetic foams and their correlation to human bone samples. Goal: Comprehensive evaluation of some commercially available synthetic foams to find correlations with real human bones. µCT imaging, 3D-reconstruction, image analysis/morphometry and statistical analysis is the toolset to assess the suitability as substitutes to human bones.
Status: Completed
Owner: ERTUGRUL Mahir, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: VirtualGL is an open source package which gives any Unix or Linux remote display software the ability to run OpenGL applications with full 3D hardware acceleration.
Status: Completed
Owner: ÖZBEK Yusuf, FREYSINGER Wolfgang
Description: Segmentation for open4Dnav: Watershed, Region Growing and Volume Rendering.
Status: Completed