Arbeitsgruppe Tauchmedizin und hyperbare Pathophysiologie
(Ansprechperson OA. Dr. Frank Hartig)
Diving-Concepts Research Group
Diese Arbeitsgruppe ist wegen ihrer internationalen Vernetzung englisch kommunizierend.
We are scientists, physicians and exploration divers at the University Clinic Innsbruck. The aim of the working group is to conduct scientific research in the field of diving medicine and physiology. We explore and research new decompression techniques and methods (including the use of drug substances, rebreather techniques and in-water habitat decompression) as well as special aspects of physiologic changes in extreme technical and military dive profiles. In addition, another main research focus is oxygen toxicity, either under water in diving or in clinical and preclinical emergency medicine like in rescue helicopters.
We are part of multiple international and national scientific projects and collaborations like submarine escape strategies with TKMS (ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems) and SKEP (Supramonte Karst Exploration Projects Utopia and Bel Torrente). Our research group analyzes and optimizes deep submarine escapes for the military and plans, organizes and takes care of all kinds of medical and decompression aspects for multilevel long range and multiday-multi-siphon cave exploration dives.
Further activities and skills
- We have an outpatient clinic for patients coming from worldwide after diving accidents for examination and reintegration or assessment of unclear diving problems and accidents.
- We organize and teach at the Medical University Innsbruck lectures like “performing under fire”, “diving physiology and medicine” and “emergency medicine”.
- We are forensic/judicial experts in the field of diving accidents, decompression physiology and diving medicine.
- We publish in international scientific journals, books and magazines and hold lectures and seminars all over Europe.
- We are consultants of different technical diving associations and perform high-level “train-the-trainer” lectures, workshops and seminars.
- We have our own diving SOP’s, which are modern and compatible with the standards and regulations of most of the technical diving associations, but even more strict and extensive.
- We take part as active exploration divers and researchers at cave exploration projects.
- We support the cave diving rescue team in Tyrol, Sardinia and Mexico.
Our current research group members
Dr. Frank Hartig MD, senior physician in the Department of Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine at the University Clinic for Internal Medicine, Innsbruck, Austria.
Dr. Andrea Köhler, PhD, researcher and scientist, forensic expert, Department of Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine, University Clinic for Internal Medicine, Innsbruck, Austria.
Dr. Thomas Ploner MD is a clinical lecturer on oxygen issues and emergency medicine at the Medical University Innsbruck, Austria.
Exploration and research divers Thorsten J. Wälde, Bruno Spagnuolo, Brian Starnes and Robbie Schmittner from our remote research facility in Cala Gonone/Sardinia and Tulum/Mexico, coordinating all SKEP/Cave- Projects.
Prof. Michael Joannidis, Head of the Department of Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria. He provides us with constant support and gives us the opportunity to conduct research in this rare field.
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